

  1. Download this repository.
  2. Download jruby-complete-X.X.X.X.jar into vendor/.
  3. Change jruby-complete-X.X.X.X.jar version to your downloaded in vendor/jruby.bat.
  4. Install Bundler into vendor/gem_home with the following command.
    vendor/jruby.bat -S gem install -i vendor/gem_home --no-document bundler
  5. Install gems by Bundler with the following command.
    vendor/bundle.bat install --path vendor/bundle --binstubs .bundle/bin
  6. After that, implement a CLI application as you like.


Package and Ignore

Packaging the gems puts them into vendor/cache and means that you can bundle install without having to access rubygems.org.

vendor/bundle.bat package