
UX Design System 2020

MIT LicenseMIT

Design System 2020

Design System (DS) is a repeatable component with extensive guidelines on how and when to use them. A StyleGuide is normally the real code. This project will serve as them both. Will try to have a single source of truth about Design Guidelines, Axway vision, and strong consistency.

Hosted on GitLab

The Axway Design System 2020 could be reached on GitLab.



Main contact

POC: Niya Keranova (UX Designer & Software Engineer)

Get Started Locally

Prerequisite install node, npm, git

  • Clone the GitLab repository via:

Design System

# git clone
git clone git@git.ecd.axway.org:amplify/design-system-2020.git
  • Install Docsify
npm i docsify-cli -g
  • Run DS locally:

Navigate to the docs directory

# navigate to docs dir
cd docs

# Start the site
docsify serve .

The Design System website will be available to the http://localhost:3000

NOTE: for reference check the docsify