
Time picker field for Sencha Touch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Time Picker Field

Currently, there is no TimePickerField for Sencha Touch 2.0. This class solves that problem.


Just include the file in your MVC-structured Sencha Touch project.


This field is easy to use. The xtype is timepickerfield, so you can use it in your form like so:

Ext.onReady(function () {
    Ext.create("Ext.Panel", {
        fullscreen: true,
        items: [{
            xtype: "formpanel",

            items: [{
                xtype: "timepickerfield",
                name: "time",
                label: "Time",
                startTime: 600,
                endTime: 2300,
                increment: 30,
                value: "2:00 PM"

Note that TimePickerField extends Ext.field.Text; mandatory properties still apply. Optional values for TimePickerField are startTime, endTime, and increment. The defaults are 600, 2200, and 15, respectively.