
A linear regression learner to train the evaluation weight vector of Senpai 2.0 with the NNUE training data.

Primary LanguageC++


Senpai v2.0 is an open source chess engine released in 2017. Different from the v1.0, in v2.0 the evaluation function has been completely parameterized. The current evaluation score is a simple linear model: each evaluation feature has a corresponding weight and then final evaluation will be this weighed sum over all the features. The original author of Senpai, Fabien, mentioned that the current weight hard-coded in Senpai code is trained from the logistic regression, but I am not exactly clear about the details of how Fabien performs this training. This project tries to provide a brute force training approach: directly run a linear regression with the training data automatically generated with the NNUE data-generation algorithm.


Current code are only developed and tested under Linux/Unix environment. To compile the code, ensure that the latest GCC has been installed and then run make under the project root folder. The exe file is still named senpai.

Get Training Data

NNUE sfen file as input

senpai2-regression use the NNUE (Efficiently Updatable Neural Networks) training data as input. See here for more details about the training data generation approach in NNUE.

Pre-computed feature files as input

Obviously, repeatedly decoding the chess position and re-computing the feature vectors in each epoch is purely a waste of time, because the feature vector will remain unchanged across epochs. Storing the featurization result in memory is impossible neither due to the huge number of training examples. In solve this problem, I designed a file format to store the feature vectors, so that the trainer will directly read the featurization results from disk rather than re-computed them again and again.

You can run the following command to convert the original sfen file to feature files:

./senpai featurefilegen inputsfen /path/to/nnue-generated-sfen.bin multichunks multichunksfolder /path/to/my-feature-file-dir multichunksname my-feature-name chucksize 10000

In the command above, besides creating the feature files, this command will also split the total training set to several chunks (each chunk contains 10000 examples), so that the data shuffling can be approximately done by shuffling the data chunks.

Run Linear Regression Training

To run training with the original NNUE sfen file as input training data, use the following style command:

./senpai train inputsfen trainsfen /path/to/nnue-generated-sfen.bin validsfen /path/to/my-validation-sfen.bin epoch 10 minbatch 50000 learningrate 0.0025 regularizer 0.005 helpers 4 doshuffle true

To run training with the pre-computed feature files as input, use the following style command:

./senpai train inputfeatbin trainlist /path/to/my-chunk-files-listfile.txt validsfen /path/to/my-validation-sfen.bin epoch 10 minbatch 50000 learningrate 0.0025 regularizer 0.005 helpers 4 doshuffle true

Please see more details about descriptions of options in the Option section. During training, the trainer will create a folder named save, and store the snapshot of weight vector after each epoch. There will be two files created after the X epoch: weights_X.txt which contains the weights in float type and weights_int100_X.txt which times the original weight with 100 and rounded to integer.

How to Use Trained Weights

Step 1: Replace the weight

Open any weights_int100_*.txt file in the save folder, you will see the weight vector was stored as following:


In the Senpai 2.0 source file eval.cpp, from line 76 to 836 we will see a similar hard-code weight vector. Replace that original weights with your the learned weights and recompile Senpai.

Step 2: Change the Scale to 200

In the source file eval.cpp, at line 30 you will see

const int  Scale { 100 }; // units per cp

We need to change this line to

const int  Scale { 200 }; // units per cp

This is because the training data is generated from original Stockfish, which has a range of [-32000, +32000], while Senpai evaluation use a range of [-10000, +10000]. As a result, the computed evaluation score with our new learned weight is usually at least two times larger than the original Senpai score. To ensure that all other components involving the actual score values (e.g., aspiration window, futility pruning, delta pruning, etc.) work correctly, we need to shrink the computed score for its 0.5 scale to avoid unexpected ELO drops.

Step 3: Change the Inf to 32000

In the source file score.hpp, at line 14 you will see

const Score Inf = Score(10000);

then change it to

const Score Inf = Score(32000);

due to the same reason as Step 2.

After doing the 3 steps above, the new weight is ready to use. According to my test with 40moves/5mins time control, the current best-performed learned weight (You can find them in the best-learned-weights folder) has a comparable strength against the original weight of Senpai. Please see more details in best-learned-weights folder.


Training Options

  • train: Run the training task.
  • inputsfen SFEN_PATH: The input sfen file SFEN_PATH as the training set.
  • trainlist LIST_FILE: The list file path LIST_FILE as the training set. The list file is a file that contains a list full path of chunk feature files, one path per line. The following is an example:

Note that you can choose only one of input mode between inputsfen and trainlist, but not both.

  • validsfen SFEN_PATH: The sfen file SFEN_PATH as the validation set.
  • epoch MAX_EPOCHS: The maximum number of epochs to run linear regression. Default MAX_EPOCHS=200.
  • minbatch BATCH_SIZE: The mini-batch size of linear regression. Default BATCH_SIZE=40000.
  • learningrate LEARNING_RATE: The learning rate of linear regression. Default LEARNING_RATE=0.002.
  • regularizer REG_LAMDBA: The L1 regularizer of linear regression. Default REG_LAMDBA=0.001.
  • helpers N_THREADS: The number of threads to run the inference in parallel. Maximum supported N_THREADS is 16.
  • doshuffle BOOL: Do data shuffle before each epoch or not. BOOL can be 0 /1. Default doshuffle=1.
  • dofeaturenorm BOOL: Do feature normalization or not. BOOL can be 0/1. Default dofeaturenorm=0.
  • dofiltering BOOL: Do filtering on the input training positions. BOOL can be 0/1. When this flag is turned on, all non-quite training positions will be removed. Non-quite positions are the chess positions whose best move is either capture or promote move. Default dofiltering=1. (Note that this option is only applicable when using the inputsfen input mode).

Feature Converting Options

  • featurefilegen: Run feature converting task: converting a sfen file to one or multiple pre-computed feature files.
  • inputsfen SFEN_PATH: The input sfen file SFEN_PATH that need to be converted.
  • filtering BOOL: Similar to dofiltering option for training, when this flag is turned on, all non-quite training positions will be removed. Default filtering=1.

Converting to a single feature file:

  • singlebin: Convert the input sfen file to a single feature file.
  • singlefilename SINGLE_FILE_PATH: The single output file path SINGLE_FILE_PATH.

Converting to multiple feature files:

  • multichunks: Convert the input sfen file to multiple chunk feature files.
  • multichunksfolder OUTPUT_DIR_PATH: The output folder to store the chunk feature files.
  • multichunksname FILE_NAME: The file name of each chunk file. The final file name will be FILE_NAME-N.bin, where N is the chunk index.
  • chucksize CHUNK_SIZE: The number of examples in each chunk file.

Validation Options

  • validationonly: Run validation task: takes a sfen validation set and a weight file, compute and print the loss.
  • validsfenfile SFEN_PATH: The sfen file SFEN_PATH as the validation set.
  • weightfile WEIGHT_PATH: The weight file WEIGHT_PATH with name pattern "weights_int100_*.txt" (scaled and rounded weight). Do not use the float type weight file here.
  • batchsize BATCH_SIZE: Set the batch size of running validation to BATCH_SIZE (this option will not affects the loss value, so usually the default value is enough).