To build a data store (container) that manages all of the application states.
In Redux we have single source of truth (one store) which is our state.
graph LR
Action --> Store;
Store --> View;
View --> Action;
As an example: state.json
user: {
name: "Name",
email: "",
preferences: {...}
posts: [
friends: [
errors: []
In Redux modularity is obtained through functions which are managing the single state object.
- user(): to manage user
- post(): to manage a single post
- allPosts: to manage all posts
- we can use user() to manage each friend
- friends(): to manage entire array of friends
- error(): to manage array of errors
Redux benefits from Composition in Store: The reducer functions that we create to manage specific parts of the state tree. The action and state is sent to and piped through each of them until a state is mutated or changed.
All we have to do:
- Identify the state
- Write goode reducers
- Redux store will handle the rest
In functional paradigm we are concerning with the verbs instead of nouns (unlike OOP).
- You need to identify all of your actions (constants.js)
- The variables that these actions impact is our State (initialState.json).
To init the project:
npm init
To install babel CLI
npm install babel-cli --save-dev
To use the latest features of the ES6 spec, we need to install its presets:
npm install babel-preset-latest --save-dev
To use experimental features of the ES6 spec, we need to install this presets:
npm install babel-preset-stage-0 --save-dev
We use these presets to transpile our ES6 code to javascript.
Then, we need to tell Babel which transpiler to use:
- Create .babelrc file
- Add preset version
"scripts": {
"start": "./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./src/index.js" // index.js is default, so you can just say ./src/
npm install redux --save
To run our application inside the browser, instead of the server (e.g. Node JS) we need to install webpack.
So, the first step is to install webpack in order to create bundle.js file:
npm install webpack --save-dev
To install webpack dev server (will help to automatically recreate the bundle on any changes):
npm install webpack-web-server --save-dev
With webpack we need to use loaders. Loaders are the instructions that webpack follows when transpiling our code and creating the bundle.
- The first loader is babel-loader (to transpile ES6 to ES5)
npm install babel-loader --save-dev
- For webpack < v2: Add json-loader for JSON documents (NOT for webpack > 2.0)
npm install json-loader --save-dev
- Additionally to make sure babel-core has been installed
npm install @babel/core --save-dev
Changes: need to change presets in compared to NodeJS
npm install @babel/preset-env --save-dev
Change .babelrc file to use this preset.
Add webpack.config.js and configure all (webpack, webpack dev server, and loaders).
Use npm start to run dev server
- make sure to configure start command for node to use webpack-dev-server
To control action's dispatching (async). For action-creators to wait for results before dispatching an action.
Install the package
npm install redux-thunk --save
Add it to your store middleware
npm install express --save