📌 📚 Solution of competitive programming problems and challenges, Project Euler Solutions, Data Structures, Data Structure implementations, Algorithms and Interview Questions.
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Contains some popular Ad-hoc Problems.
Topic/Question | C | C++ | Java | Python |
Circular List of Students | ||||
Equalize | ||||
Interesting Sequences | ||||
Light up the Bulbs | ||||
Rectangular Area | ||||
Winning Strategy |
Contains some popular Algorithms and related problems.
- Binary Search
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Agressive Cows Bishu and Soilders BooBoo and Upsolving Compare Strings
- Greedy
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Activity Selection Lopov Minimum Absolute Difference Nikunj and Donuts Perimeter with Conditions Problem Discussion Save Energy Weighted Job Scheduling Winning Lottery
- Linear Search
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Breakup App Holiday Season Manna's First Name Min-Max Monk Takes a Walk Policemen and thieves Repeated K Times Rest in peace-21-1 Simple Search Square Transaction The Normal Type
- Merge Sort
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Inversion Count Murder
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Crossword Graph Coloring N-Queens Permutations of a String Rat in a Maze Sudoku
Bit Manipulation
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Check ith bit Check Odd or Even Check Power of 2 Clear all bits from MSB Convert Number to Binary Flip ith bit Return First Set Bit Turn Off First Set Bit Turn Off ith Bit Turn On ith Bit
Dynamic Programming
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python 01 Knapsack Problem Alpha Code Boredom Catalan Number Coin Change Construct the Array Count BSTs Edit Distance Egg Dropping Puzzle Fibonacci Numbers K-Divisibility of Array Kadane's Algorithm Longest Bitonic Subarray Longest Common Subsequence Longest Consecutive Subsequence Longest Increasing Subsequence Loot Houses Magic Grid Maximum Non-Negative Subarray Maximum Non-Negative Subarray Sum Maximum Product Subarray Maximum Square with all Zeros Maximum Sum Contiguous Subarray Maximum Sum Rectangle Min Cost Path Mindbending Product Minimum Number of Chocolates Right Down the Grid Sam and Substrings Staircase Problem Ugly Numbers
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Fractional Knapsack Kruskal's Algorithm Prims Algorithm
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Binary Search Linear Search
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Bubble Sort Counting Sort Heap Sort Insertion Sort Merge Sort Quick Sort Selection Sort
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Funny String Gemstones Print Keypad Print Subsequences Return Subsequences
Contains some Questions from Online Competitions and Challenges.
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python BST Operations Chef Restaurant CNOTE CodeChef-OCT17 : A Balanced Contest Compiler Discrepancies in the Voters List Hussain Set K-Concatenation Permutation and Palindrome Sudoku Variation
Programming Fundamentals
Conditionals and loops
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Alpha Pattern Find power of a number Number Pattern Number Pattern 1 Number Pattern 2 Number Pattern 3 Sum of even and odd Total Salary
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Alpha Pattern Binary Pattern Galaxy of Stars Give me Triangle Interesting Alphabets Number Pattern Pattern_ify Repeat Triangle Repeating Numbers Reversing Series Pattern
Google Code Jam
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python You Can Go Your Own Way Foregone Solution
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Fate of the Mormont MaxMul Network Overflow
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Competition 1
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Anushka Chug Number Pattern Star String Manipulation Stuck In A Maze SubSequence Sum It Up TTT
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Left Or Right
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Paper Planes
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Grading Students Operations In Heap Jesse And Cookies
Contains some Compiler Design Course Programs.
Topic/Question | C | C++ | Java | Python |
Elimination of Left Factoring | ||||
Elimination of Left Recursion | ||||
Find First and Follow | ||||
Find Lead and Trail | ||||
Infix to Postfix | ||||
Lexical Analyzer |
Contains implementation of some popular Data Structures and related problems.
Binary Search Tree
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Binary Search Tree Implementation
Binary Tree
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Binary Tree Implementation
Circular Linked List
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Circular Linked List Implementation
Data Structures Problems
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Add Alternate Elements of 2D Array Akash and the Assignment Converting a Sequence to Another Find the String Fredo and Large Numbers Honey Bees Left or Right Little Jhool and World Tour Micro and Array Update Micro and Sweet Distribution Professor and his Operations Remove Duplicates Roy and Symmetric Logos Saul Goodman's Problem Statement Sorting the Skills Submatrix Updates Symmetric Matrix The Wealthy Landlord Unique Subarrays
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Monk at the Graph Factory
Linked List
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Add Two Numbers Represented by a Linked List Add K Nodes Check Palindrome Delete From End Delete From Start Delete Node with Key Delete Node without Head Detect Loop Find Mid Element Flatten a Linked List Get Nth Node From Last Implement Queue Using Linked List Intersection Point in Y Shaped Linked List Make Maximum Number Merge Reverse Merge Two Sorted Linked List Merge Sort Merge Two List Pairwise Swap Elements Remove Loop Reverse a Linked List Reverse in group of given size Rotate Counter Clockwise Stack Implementation
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Print Elements in Spiral Print Elements in ZigZag
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Facitoo and Bridge
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Different Names Find the String Love of Characters Non Repeating Character String Occurence
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Bottom View of Binary Tree BST to Tree with sum of all Keys Check if 2 trees are identical Check if tree is BST Check if tree is symmetric Correct a Binary Tree Diameter of a Binary Tree Distinct Count Find Max Subtree Sum Kth Latgest Element Kth Smallest Element Lowest Common Ancestor in BST Maximum path Sum Merge 2 BST with Limited Extra Space Monk and his Friends Monk watching Fight Number of Balanced BST Print Left View of Binary Tree Print Level Order in Spiral Form Print Path with given Sum Print Tree in Vertical Order Yatin plays PUBG
Tree Traversal
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python InOrder Traversal Level Order Traversal Post Order Traversal Pre Order Traversal
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Facitoo and College Facitoo and Bridge Facitoo and Melon
Doubly Linked List
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Doubly Linked List Implementation
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Max Heap Implementation Min Heap Implementation
Linked List
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Linked List Implementation
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Queue Implementation
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Stack Implementation
Contains some Competitive Programming tips for faster Input/Output.
Topic/Question | C | C++ | Java | Python |
C++ | ||||
Java |
Contains some Interview Preparation related programs.
HackerRank-Interview Preparation Kit
- Arrays
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python 2D Arrays-DS Left Rotation Minimum Swaps 2
- String Manipulation
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Alternating Characters Making Anagrams Sherlock and the Valid String
- Warm-up Challenges
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Counting Valleys Jumping on the Clouds Repeated String Sock Merchant
Topic/Question C C++ Java Python Count Distinct Array Elements Euler Circuit in a graph Jason Fights Monsters Lucky Four Migratory Birds Order of a String Pattern Freq Permutations Of a String Triangle of Stars
Contains some popular Patterns related programs.
Topic/Question | C | C++ | Java | Python |
Pattern 1 | ||||
Pattern 2 | ||||
Pattern 3 |
Contains some Project Euler programs.
Topic/Question | C | C++ | Java | Python |
Problem 1 | ||||
Problem 2 | ||||
Problem 3 | ||||
Problem 4 | ||||
Problem 5 | ||||
Problem 6 | ||||
Problem 7 | ||||
Problem 8 | ||||
Problem 9 | ||||
Problem 10 | ||||
Problem 11 | ||||
Problem 12 | ||||
Problem 13 | ||||
Problem 14 | ||||
Problem 15 | ||||
Problem 16 |
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