
KubeCon EU'19 Videos and Presentations


KubeCon EU'19 Videos and Presentations

Lightning Talks

Topics Video Presentation
Lightning Talk: Cloud Native Wales: How We Contributed to the Community... - Lewis Denham-Parry Video Slides
Lightning Talk: How to Regain the Trust of Your Users - Eduard Iacoboaia, Booking.com Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Slow Starting Containers, How to Check Their Health? - Matthias Bertschy, Swissquote Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Managing Drivers in a Kubernetes Cluster - Renaud Gaubert, NVIDIA Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Hot, Fresh Containers - How Containers Are Like Cookies! - Kaslin Fields, Oracle Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Oh Sh*t! The Config Changed! - Joel Speed, Pusher Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Ready, Steady, CKA! - Olive Power, VMware Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Using Istio's Mixer for Network Request Caching - Zach Arnold, Ygrene Energy Fund Video Slides
Lightning Talk: When the Command Line is Not Enough: Why Your OSS Project Needs A GUI - Risha Mars, Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Using Jupyter Notebooks To Gain Insight Of Your Cluster - Ruben D Orduz, VMware Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Developing Your Career While Working on Kubernetes - Piotr Szczesniak, Google Video [Slides]
Lightning Talk: Kubespray CI with KubeVirt on Baremetal - Antoine Legrand, Red Hat Video [Slides]
Lightning Talk: Reliability Engineering for Humans - Hannah Foxwell, Pivotal Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Kubernetes Jobs and the Sidecar Problem - James Wen, Spotify Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Fake it Until You Make it: Unit Tests with Go-Client Fake Client - Fernando Diaz Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Beyond Operators: Reimagine Distributed Applications on Kubernetes - Vladimir Vivien Video Slides
Lightning Talk: Back to the Future with eBPF - Beatriz Martínez Rubio, IBM Video Slides


Topic Video Presentation
Keynote: Stitching Things Together – Dan Kohn, Executive Director, Cloud Native Computing Foundation Video Slides
Keynote: 2.66 Million - Cheryl Hung, Director of Ecosystem, Cloud Native Computing Foundation Video [Slides]
Keynote: CNCF Project Update - Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer, VMware Bryan Liles Video [Slides]
Sponsored Keynote: Network, Please Evolve – Vijoy Pandey, VP/CTO Cloud, Cisco Video [Slides]
Keynote: Getting Started in the Kubernetes Community - Lucas Käldström & Nikhita Raghunath Video [Slides]
Keynote: Closing Remarks - Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer, VMware Video [Slides]
Topic Video Presentation
Lightning Talk: Cloud Native Wales: How We Contributed to the Community... - Lewis Denham-Parry Video -
Lightning Talk: How to Regain the Trust of Your Users - Eduard Iacoboaia, Booking.com Video -
Lightning Talk: Slow Starting Containers, How to Check Their Health? - Matthias Bertschy, Swissquote Video -
Lightning Talk: Managing Drivers in a Kubernetes Cluster - Renaud Gaubert, NVIDIA Video -
Lightning Talk: Hot, Fresh Containers - How Containers Are Like Cookies! - Kaslin Fields, Oracle Video -
Lightning Talk: Oh Sh*t! The Config Changed! - Joel Speed, Pusher Video -
Lightning Talk: Ready, Steady, CKA! - Olive Power, VMware Video -
Lightning Talk: Using Istio's Mixer for Network Request Caching - Zach Arnold, Ygrene Energy Fund Video -
Lightning Talk: When the Command Line is Not Enough: Why Your OSS Project Needs A GUI - Risha Mars, Video -
Lightning Talk: Using Jupyter Notebooks To Gain Insight Of Your Cluster - Ruben D Orduz, VMware Video -
Lightning Talk: Developing Your Career While Working on Kubernetes - Piotr Szczesniak, Google Video -
Lightning Talk: Kubespray CI with KubeVirt on Baremetal - Antoine Legrand, Red Hat Video -
Lightning Talk: Reliability Engineering for Humans - Hannah Foxwell, Pivotal Video -
Lightning Talk: Kubernetes Jobs and the Sidecar Problem - James Wen, Spotify Video -
Lightning Talk: Fake it Until You Make it: Unit Tests with Go-Client Fake Client - Fernando Diaz Video -
Lightning Talk: Beyond Operators: Reimagine Distributed Applications on Kubernetes - Vladimir Vivien Video -
Lightning Talk: Back to the Future with eBPF - Beatriz Martínez Rubio, IBM Video -
Keynote: Stitching Things Together – Dan Kohn, Executive Director, Cloud Native Computing Foundation Video -
Keynote: 2.66 Million - Cheryl Hung, Director of Ecosystem, Cloud Native Computing Foundation Video -
Keynote: CNCF Project Update - Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer, VMware Bryan Liles Video -
Sponsored Keynote: Network, Please Evolve – Vijoy Pandey, VP/CTO Cloud, Cisco Video -
Keynote: Getting Started in the Kubernetes Community - Lucas Käldström & Nikhita Raghunath Video -
Keynote: Closing Remarks - Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer, VMware Video -
KubeFlow BoF: David Aronchick, Microsoft & Yaron Haviv, Iguazio Video -
BoF Deep Dive: Chaos Engineering - Sylvain Hellegouarch, ChaosIQ Video -
Tutorial: Introduction to Kubeflow Pipelines - Michelle Casbon, Dan Sanche, Dan Anghel Video -
Tutorial: Back to Basics: Hands-On Deployment of Stateful Workloads on Kubernetes - David Zhu Video -
Using K8s Audit Logs to Secure Your Cluster - Mark Stemm, Sysdig Video -
Panel Discussion: GitOps & Best Practices for Cloud Native CI/CD Video -
Kubernetes Failure Stories and How to Crash Your Clusters - Henning Jacobs, Zalando SE Video -
Istio, We Have a Problem! Understanding and Fixing Bugs with a Service-Mesh - David Gageot, Google Video -
The Multicluster Toolbox - Adrien Trouillaud, Admiralty Video -
Intro: TUF / Notary - Justin Cappos, NYU & Justin Cormack, Docker Video -
Intro: KubeEdge - Cindy Xing, Futurewei & Dejan Bosanac, Red Hat Video -
Intro: SPIFFE - Emiliano Bernbaum & Scott Emmons, Scytale Video -
P2P Docker Image Distribution in Hybrid Cloud Environment with Kraken - Yiran Wang & Cody Gibb, Uber Video -
Birds of a Feather: Radio Access Network LTE/CBRS Edge - John Studarus, Packet Host Video -
Portable, Universal Single Sign-On for Your Clusters - Miguel Martinez, Bitnami Video -
Kubernetes the New Research Platform - Lindsey Tulloch & Bob Killen Video -
Intro: Cluster Lifecycle SIG - Lucas Käldström, Independent & Tim St. Clair, VMware Video -
Intro: Cloud Native Buildpacks - Terence Lee, Heroku & Stephen Levine, Pivotal Video -
Intro: CLI SIG - Maciej Szulik, Red Hat & Phillip Wittrock, Google Video -
Intro: Network Service Mesh (NSM) - Frederick Kautz, Doc.ai & Ed Warnicke, Cisco Video -
Intro: Autoscaling SIG - Marcin Wielgus, Google Video -
KEPs: Evolving Kubernetes at the Speed of Trust - Caleb Miles, Google Video -
Panel Discussion: From User to Member: Becoming a Kubernetes Contributor Video -
Operating kube-apiserver Without Hiccups - Stefan Schimanski & David Eads, Red Hat Video -
Tutorial: Cloud-Agnostic Serverless - Sebastien Goasguen, TriggerMesh Video -
Using eBPF to Bring Kubernetes-Aware Security to the Linux Kernel - Dan Wendlandt, Isovalent Video -
Reproducible Development and Deployment with Bazel and Telepresence - Christian Roggia Video -
Scale Kubernetes Service Endpoints 100x - Minhan Xia & Wojciech Tyczynski, Google Video -
Intro: Helm - Michelle Noorali & Matt Fisher, Microsoft Video -
Envoy SDS: Fortifying Istio Security - Yonggang Liu & Quanjie Lin, Google Video -
Tutorial: Building Security into Kubernetes Deployment Pipelines - Michael Hough & Sam Irvine Video -
Tutorial: Bullet-Proof Kubernetes: Learn by Hacking - Luke Bond & Ana-Maria Calin Video -
Intro: Kubernetes (PM) SIG - Ihor Dvoretskyi, CNCF & Stephen Augustus, VMware Video -
Intro: Testing SIG - Cole Wagner & Aishwarya Sundar, Google Video -
Intro: Azure SIG - Stephen Augustus, VMware & Craig Peters, Microsoft Video -
Intro: Rook - Alexander Trost, Cloudibility & Travis Nielsen, Red Hat Video -
Intro: Open Policy Agent - Rita Zhang, Microsoft & Max Smythe, Google Video -
Intro: NATS - Waldemar Quevedo, Synadia Communications, Inc Video -
Intro: Linkerd - William Morgan, Buoyant Video -
Intro: Kubernetes WG for Multitenancy - Tasha Drew, VMware Video -
Intro: CNCF Security SIG – Sarah Allen & Jeyappragash Jeyakeerthi, Tetrate.io Video -
Es-operator: Building an Elasticsearch Operator From the Bottom Up - Mikkel Larsen, Zalando SE Video -
Authentication and Security in gRPC Microservices - Jan Tattermusch, Google Video -
Istio New Workload Identity Provision Pipeline Based on Envoy SDS - Quanjie Lin & Diem Vu, Google Video -
Rootless, Reproducible, and Hermetic: Secure Container Build Showdown - Andrew Martin, Control Plane Video -
Serverless is Interesting But FaaS is Not Enough - Jonas Bonér, Lightbend Inc. Video -
Streamlining Kubernetes Application CI/CD with Bazel - Gregg Donovan & Chris Love Video -
What WePay Learned From Processing Billions of Dollars on GKE Using Linkerd - Mohsen Rezaei, WePay Video -
Writing kubectl Plugins for Everyone: Develop, Package & Distribute - Ahmet Alp Balkan Video -
Intro: Virtual Kubelet - Ria Bhatia, Microsoft & Anubhav Mishra, HashiCorp Video -
Intro: Kubernetes Architecture SIG - Jaice Singer DuMars, Google Video -
Intro: Kubernetes (Instrumentation) SIG - Frederic Branczyk, Red Hat Video -
Intro: Kubernetes (Release) SIG - Tim Pepper, VMware & Claire Laurence, Pivotal Video -
Intro: Dragonfly - Allen Sun & Zuozheng Hu, Alibaba Cloud Video -
Intro: Harbor - Henry Zhang & Steven Ren, VMware Video -
Intro: Fluentd - Masahiro Nakagawa, ARM Treasure Data Video -
Extending Envoy with WebAssembly - John Plevyak & Dhi Aurrahman, Tetrate Video -
Intro: Cortex - Tom Wilkie, Grafana Labs & Bryan Boreham, Weaveworks Video -
Intro: Contributor Experience SIG - Elsie Phillips, Red Hat & Paris Pittman, Google Video -
Intro: Falco - Jorge Salamero Sanz, Sysdig Video -
Intro: CoreDNS - Daniel Garcia, Infoblox & Michael Grosser, Okkur Labs Video -
Intro: CNCF Serverless WG/CloudEvents - Scott Nichols, Google & Klaus Deissner, SAP Video -
Intro: CNCF CI - Lucina Stricko & Denver Williams, Vulk Coop & CNCF Video -
Tutorial: A Day in the Life of a Cloud Native Developer - Randy Abernethy, RX-M, LLC Video -
Intro to CNAB: Packaging Cloud Native Applications with Multiple Toolchains - Chris Crone, Docker Video -
From Snowflake Servers to Snowflake Clusters - The GitOps Journey - Allison Richardet Video -
Panel Discussion: Ask Us Anything: Microservices and Service Mesh Video -
Building an Enterprise-ready Lambda Experience (with Hands-On Demo) - Alexandre González Rodríguez Video -
Benchmarking Cloud Native Storage - Josh Berkus, Red Hat Video -
Mental Health in Tech - Dr. Jennifer Akullian, Growth Coaching Institute Video -
Kubectl Apply 2019: Defense Against the Dark Arts - Phillip Wittrock & Jennifer Buckley, Google Video -
The Kubernetes Control Plane for Busy People Who Like Pictures - Daniel Smith, Google Video -
Kanary - Automated and Integrated Canary Testing Using CRD... - David Benque & Cédric Lamorinière Video -
Unit Testing Your Kubernetes Configurations Using Open Policy Agent - Gareth Rushgrove, Docker Video -
Kubernetes Security and How to Fix K8s Cluster at Scale - Simon Pearce & Sebastian Scheele Video -
Keynote: Closing Remarks - Janet Kuo, Software Engineer, Google Video -
Sponsored Keynote: Expanding the Kubernetes Operator Community - Rob Szumski Video -
Keynote: Reperforming a Nobel Prize Discovery on Kubernetes - Ricardo Rocha & Lukas Heinrich Video -
Sponsored Keynote: Recursive Kubernetes: Cluster API and Clusters as Cattle - Joe Beda Video -
Keynote: Kubernetes Project Update - Janet Kuo, Software Engineer, Google Video -
Democratizing Service Mesh on Kubernetes - Gabe Monroy, Microsoft & CNCF Board Member Video -
Keynote: Welcome Remarks - Janet Kuo, Software Engineer, Google Video -
OpenTelemetry: Backwards Compatibility with... - Ben Sigelman, Bogdan Drutu & Spiros Xanthos Video -
OpenTelemetry: Panel Discussion and Q&A - Ben Sigelman, Morgan McClean & Bogdan Drutu Video -
Keynote: Closing Remarks - Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer, VMware Video -
Keynote: Debunking the Myth: Kubernetes Storage is Hard - Saad Ali, Senior Software Engineer, Google Video -
Sponsored Keynote: What I Learned Running 10,000+ Kubernetes Clusters - Jason McGee, IBM Fellow, IBM Video -
Keynote: A Journey to a Centralized, Globally Distributed Platform – Katie Gamanji Video -
Sponsored Keynote: Building a Bigger Tent: Cloud Native, Cultural Change and... - Bob Quillin Video -
Keynote: How Spotify Accidentally Deleted All its Kube Clusters with No User Impact - David Xia Video -
Keynote: Opening Remarks - Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer, VMware Video -
Intro: Kubernetes (VMware) SIG - David vonThenen & Steven Wong, VMware Video -
Scavenging for Reusable Code in the Kubernetes Codebase - Kevin Lingerfelt, Buoyant Video -
Istio Multi-Cluster Service Mesh Patterns Explained - Daniel Berg & Ram Vennam, IBM Video -
Intro: Service Catalog SIG - Jonathan Berkhahn, IBM Video -
Intro: Kubernetes (AWS) SIG - Justin Santa Barbara, Google Video -
Deep Dive: Harbor - Steven Zou & Daniel Jiang, VMware Video -
Deep Dive Fluent Bit: Logging & Stream Processing - Eduardo Silva, ARM Treasure Data Video -
Deep Dive: Falco - Michael Ducy, Sysdig Video -
Intro: Envoy - Lizan Zhou, Tetrate Video -
Fluent Bit: Extending Your Logging Pipeline with Go - Warren Fernandes & Jason Keene, Pivotal Video -
Tracing is More Than Traces: The Insights in Trace Aggregates - Daniela Miao, LightStep Video -
What's the Performance Overhead? Answering the Biggest Question in Tracing - Gabriela Soria Video -
Building Cross-Cloud ML Pipelines with Kubeflow with Spark & Tensorflow - Holden Karau Video -
Crafty Requests: Deep Dive Into Kubernetes CVE-2018-1002105 - Ian Coldwater, Heroku Video -
JustFootball’s Journey to gRPC + Linkerd in Production - Ben Lambert, & Kevin Lingerfelt Video -
Panel Discussion: Multi-Tenancy in Kubernetes: Current State and Future Roadmap Video -
Smarter Kubernetes Access Control: A Simpler Approach to Auth - Rob Scott, ReactiveOps Video -
Container Forensics: What to Do When Your Cluster is a Cluster - Maya Kaczorowski & Ann Wallace Video -
The Magic of Kubernetes Self-Healing Capabilities - Saad Ali, Google Video -
Service Meshes: At What Cost? - Lee Calcote, Layer5 & Girish Ranganathan, SolarWinds Video -
Zero Trust Service Mesh with Calico, SPIRE, and Envoy - Shaun Crampton & Evan Gilman Video -
Deep Dive: TUF / Notary - Justin Cappos & Lukas Puehringer, NYU Video -
Deep Dive: Testing SIG - Benjamin Elder, Google & James Munnelly, Jetstack Video -
Deep Dive: SPIFFE - Scott Emmons & Emiliano Bernbaum, Scytale Video -
Deep Dive: Service Catalog SIG - Jonathan Berkhahn, IBM Video -
Deep Dive: Rook - Jared Watts & Bassam Tabbara, Upbound Video -
Deep Dive: Open Policy Agent - Torin Sandall & Tim Hinrichs, Styra Video -
Managing CRDs and Operators in Practice - Zhen Zhang, Alibaba & Wei Guo, Ant Financial Video -
Grow with Less Pains - Meshing From Monolith to Microservices - Leo LIang Video -
Building an Edge Control Plane with Kubernetes and Envoy - Flynn, Datawire Video -
Kubernetes Storage 101 - Jan Šafránek, Red Hat & David Zhu, Google Video -
Resize Your Pods w/o Disruptions aka How to Have a Cake and Eat a Cake - Karol Gob & Beata Skiba Video -
Building HA Multi-Cloud Clusters Using WireGuard as a Network Overlay - Lucas Servén Marín, Red Hat Video -
The Data Analytics Platform or How to Make Data Science in a Box Possible - Krzysztof Adamski Video -
Building Cloud Native GDPR Friendly Systems for Data Collection - Zsolt Homorodi, VTT Video -
Deconstructing Apache Hadoop: A Dialogue About a Cloud-Native Refactor - Anu Engineer & Marton Elek Video -
Panel Discussion: Democratizing HPC & AI: Startups Scale Up with Cloud Native Video -
Towards Kubeflow 1.0, Bringing a Cloud Native Platform For ML to Kubernetes - David Aronchick Video -
How We Used Kubernetes to Host a Capture the Flag (CTF) - Ariel Zelivansky & Liron Levin, Twistlock Video -
Deep Dive: NATS - Waldemar Quevedo, Synadia Communications, Inc Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes WG for Multitenancy - Sanjeev Rampal, Cisco & Ryan Bezdicek, Cray, Inc. Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes (Instrumentation) SIG - Frederic Branczyk & Max Inden, Red Hat Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes Architecture SIG - Timothy St. Clair, VMware Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes (Release) SIG - Tim Pepper & Stephen Augustus, VMware Video -
Deep Dive: Dragonfly - Jin Zhang, Alibaba Cloud & Haibing Zhou, eBay Video -
Deep Dive: Cortex - Tom Wilkie, Grafana Labs & Bryan Boreham, Weaveworks Video -
Deep Dive: CoreDNS - Yong Tang, MobileIron & John Belamaric, Google Video -
Deep Dive: Contributor Experience SIG - Elsie Phillips, Red Hat & Paris Pittman, Google Video -
Deep Dive: CNCF Serverless WG/CloudEvents - Clemens Vasters & Vlad Ionescu Video -
Deep Dive: CNCF CI - Lucina Stricko & Denver Williams, Vulk Coop & CNCF Video -
Deep Dive: Cluster Lifecycle SIG (Kubeadm) - Fabrizio Pandini & Lubomir I. Ivanov, VMware Video -
Deep Dive: Cloud Native Buildpacks - Terence Lee, Heroku & Stephen Levine, Pivotal Video -
Intro: Kubernetes SIG - Da Ma, Huawei & Zefeng Wang, Huawei Video -
Deep Dive: Virtual Kubelet - Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft & Lei Zhang, Alibaba Cloud Video -
Intro: Telepresence - Richard Li, Datawire Video -
Intro: Vitess - Sugu Sougoumarane & Deepthi Sigireddi, PlanetScale Video -
Rook, Ceph, and ARM: A Caffeinated Tutorial - Federico Lucifredi & Sébastien Han, Red Hat Video -
Large Scale Distributed Deep Learning with Kubernetes Operators - Yuan Tang & Yong Tang Video -
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope: From Cloud Native to Dark Energy - Fabrice Jammes Video -
Benefits of a Service Mesh When Integrating Kubernetes with Legacy Services - Stephan Fudeus Video -
Benchmarking Cloud Native Databases Performance on Kubernetes - Iqbal Farabi & Tara Baskara, GO-JEK Video -
Data Without Borders - Using Rook Storage Orchestration at a Global Scale - Jared Watts, Upbound Video -
Securing Cloud Native Communication, From End User to Service - Daniel Bryant & Nic Jackson Video -
Co-Evolution of Kubernetes and GCP Networking - Purvi Desai & Tim Hockin, Google Video -
gRPC load balancing and Service Mesh - Vishal Powar, Google Video -
Treating Network Assets as Scheduleable Resources - Vinothkumar Siddharth, Amazon Video -
GPU Machine Learning From Laptop to Cloud - Mark Puddick, Pivotal Video -
Caller ID in Kubernetes - Michael Danese, Google Video -
Migrating South East Asia's Biggest Payments Company to Kubernetes - Akashdeep Singh Video -
The Serverless Landscape and Event Driven Futures - Dee Kumar, CNCF Video -
Koping with Change: What kops Learned Adopting etcd3, cluster-api and CRDs - Justin Santa Barbara Video -
Restart-Free Vertical Scaling for Kubernetes Pods - Vinay Kulkarni & Peng Du, Huawei Video -
Going from 5s to 5ms: Benefits of a Node-Local DNSCache - Pavithra Ramesh & Blake Barnett Video -
Improving Availability for Stateful Applications in Kubernetes - Michelle Au, Google Video -
Reinventing Networking: A Deep Dive into Istio's Multicluster Gateways - Steve Dake, Independent Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes Metric APIs using Prometheus - Matthias Loibl & Sergiusz Urbaniak, Red Hat Video -
The Story of Why We Migrate to gRPC and How We Go About It - Matthias Grüter, Spotify Video -
Create Visually Compelling Developer Experiences for Kubernetes on VS Code - Ivan Towlson Video -
10 Ways to Shoot Yourself in the Foot with Kubernetes, #9 Will Surprise You - Laurent Bernaille Video -
Infrastructure as Software - Paul Jones, Dyson Video -
Strategies to "Kubernetify" Legacy Applications - Sai Vennam, IBM Video -
Hacking Helm - Paul Czarkowski, Pivotal & Scott Rigby, Codeacademy Video -
From New Cluster to Insight. Deploying Monitoring and Logging to Kubernetes - Eddie Zaneski Video -
M3 and Prometheus, Monitoring at Planet Scale for Everyone - Rob Skillington, Uber Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes (PM) SIG - Ihor Dvoretskyi, CNCF & Stephen Augustus, VMware Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes (VMware) SIG - Loc Nguyen & Sidharth Surana, VMware Video -
Intro: Scheduling SIG - Da Ma & Shivram Srivastava, Huawei Video -
Intro: Brigade - Radu Matei, Microsoft Video -
Intro: Auth SIG - Mo Khan, Red Hat & Mike Danese, Google Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Cloud-Provider SIG - Chris Hoge, Andrew Sy Kim, & Jago Macleod Video -
Deep Dive: Scalability SIG - Shyam Jeedigunta, Amazon Web Services & Wojciech Tyczynski, Google Video -
Extending Knative for Fun and Profit - Matt Moore & Ville Aikas, Google Video -
Keep the Space Shuttle Flying: Writing Robust Operators - Illya Chekrygin, Upbound Video -
Ready? A Deep Dive into Pod Readiness Gates for Service Health... - Minhan Xia & Ping Zou Video -
Lifecycle of a kubectl Command: Harden Kubernetes Setup with Automation - Sanjary Rahman Video -
Build a Kubernetes Based Cloud Native Storage Solution From Scratch - Sheng Yang, Rancher Labs Video -
OpenAPI Specs – Towards Native User Experience of CRDs - Stefan Schimanski, Red Hat Video -
The Spotify Story: Moving from NIH to an Active CNCF Community Member - Jim Haughwout, Spotify Video -
A Kubernetes Application End-to-End: DevStats - ukasz Gryglicki, CNCF & Josh Berkus, Red Hat Video -
5 Steps to Building Inclusive Communities - Ashlynn Polini, Docker Video -
2 Years of TGIKubernetes - Kris Nova & Joe Beda, VMware Video -
Merging Quickly in a Cloud Native World - Lucas Roesler, Contiamo Video -
Navigating the Cloud Native Community for End Users - Cheryl Hung, CNCF Video -
Birds of a Feather: Do You Really Need on Premises Serverless ? - Igor Khapov, IBM Video -
Surviving Serverless Battle By Secure Runtime, CRI and RuntimeClass - Xiaoyu Zhang & Lei Zhang Video -
Edgility - 5G Orchestration in Serverless-Edge Cloud-Native Environments - Eden Pierre Rozin, AT&T Video -
Inside the CNCF Project Security Reviews - Justin Cormack, Docker Video -
FaaS is Not Only the Serverless: Stream Processing with Serverless - Jun Makishi & Kensaku Komatsu Video -
Accelerating the Journey of an AI Algorithm to Production with OpenFaaS - Joost Noppen & Alex Ellis Video -
Network Machinery: A United-Front for Network Troubleshooting with CRDs - Adel Zaalouk, SAP Video -
Deep Dive: Network Service Mesh (NSM) - Nikolay Nikolaev, VMware & Frederick Kautz, Doc.ai Video -
Deep Dive: CNCF Security SIG – Justin Cappos, New York University & Zhipeng Huang, Huawei Video -
Cross-Cluster Calls Made Easy with Istio 1.1 - Matt Turner, Tetrate Video -
Networking the Service Mesh Proxy: Where We Are, Where We’re Going - Tim Swanson & John Joyce, Cisco Video -
Serverless Operations: From Dev to Production - Erwin van Eyk, Platform9 Video -
Chaos Debugging: Finding and Fixing Microservice Weak Points - Idit Levine & Mitch Kelley, Solo.io Video -
5 Simple Steps To Simplifying Your Compliance Journey With a Service Mesh – Granville Schmidt Video -
Fool-Proof Kubernetes Dashboards for Sleep-Deprived Oncalls - David Kaltschmidt, Grafana Labs Video -
Secrets Store CSI Driver-Bring Your Own Enterprise Secrets Store to K8s - Rita Zhang Video -
Protecting the Data Lake - Ash Narkar, Styra, Inc Video -
Securing Multi-Cloud Cross-Cluster Communication with SPIFFE and SPIRE - Evan Gilman, Scytale, Inc. Video -
Securing Kubernetes with Trusted Platform Module (TPM) - Alex Tcherniakhovski & Andrew Lytvynov Video -
DIY Pen-Testing for Your Kubernetes Cluster - Liz Rice, Aqua Security Video -
How Does Google Release Kubernetes in GKE - Kobi Magnezi & Josh Hoak, Google Video -
Istio on Knative Lessons Learned: How Istio is Fit for Serverless Platform - Ying Chun Guo Video -
Sharing is Caring: Your Kubernetes Cluster, Namespaces, and You - Amy Chen & Eryn Muetzel, VMware Video -
Helm 3: Navigating To Distant Shores - Bridget Kromhout & Jessica Deen, Microsoft Video -
Grafana Loki: Like Prometheus, But for logs. - Tom Wilkie, Grafana Labs Video -
You Might Just be a Functional Programmer Now - Cornelia Davis, Pivotal Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Kubernetes Conformance WG - Dan Kohn, CNCF, William Denniss, Aaron Crickenberger Video -
Deep Dive: Long Term Support WG - Tim Pepper, VMware Video -
Deep Dive: Auth SIG - Mo Khan & Matt Rogers, Red Hat Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: IBMCloud SIG - Sahdev P. Zala, Khalid Ahmed, Brad Topol & Nimesh Bhatia, IBM Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Kubernetes (Docs) SIG - Zach Corleissen, Linux Foundation & Rael Garcia, CAPSiDE Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Serverless WG - Scott Nichols, Google & Doug Davis, IBM Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: OpenStack SIG - Chris Hoge & Aditi Sharma Video -
Deep Dive: KubeEdge - Cindy Xing, Futurewei Video -
Deep Dive: Brigade - Radu Matei, Microsoft Video -
Deep Dive: Linkerd - Oliver Gould, Buoyant Video -
Public Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) Meeting - Moderated by Chris Aniszczyk, CNCF Video -
Deep Dive: Envoy - Lizan Zhou, Tetrate Video -
Delivering Serverless Experience on Kubernetes: Beyond Web Applications - Alex Glikson Video -
Building and Maintaining a Client Library - Stories From the Trenches - Jussi Nummelin, Kontena Inc. Video -
Dealing with the Pesky Path Parameter Problem: Service Profiles - Alex Leong, Buoyant Video -
How LivePerson is Tailoring its Conversational Platform Using OpenFaaS - Simon Pelczer Video -
Managing Edge Computing with Serverless - Lev Radomislensky, Iguazio Video -
Ouch! What I Learned From Being Hit by a Serverless, Ruby Boomerang! - Ewan Slater, Oracle Video -
Uber x Security: Why and How We Built Our Workload Identity Platform - Tyler Julian & Daniel Feldman Video -
Latest Kubernetes Scalability Improvements - Shyam Jeedigunta, Amazon & Yassine Tijani, VMware Video -
Where's My Pod, Already? A Tale of Cold-Start Struggles on Kubernetes - Gregory Haynes, IBM Video -
Kubernetes Scalability Definition Evolution - Wojciech Tyczynski & Andrzej Wasylkowski, Google Video -
High Performance Networking with Kubevirt - Doug Smith, Red Hat & Abdul Halim, Intel Video -
Running eBay’s High-Performance Workloads with Kubernetes - Xin Ma, eBay Video -
Delivering TV Everywhere with Cloud Native Solutions - Arnaud Caron & Jerome Champetier, Mediakind Video -
Democratizing MySQL: From Cloud Managed to Kubernetes Managed - Sachin Manpathak Video -
Embracing Upstream Kubernetes in Web Scale Organization - Lei Zhang & Jun Chen Video -
Panel Discussion: Going Multi-Cloud for Realz. Stories From Media, Retail, & Infrastructure Video -
Scaling Edge Operations at Onefootball with Ambassador: From 0 to 6000 rps - Jonathan Juares Beber Video -
Running Kubernetes on Ephemeral Infrastructure - Greg DeArment & Vlad Ungureanu Video -
Deep Dive: API Machinery SIG - David Eads, Red Hat & Daniel Smith, Google Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Kubernetes IoT Edge WG - Steven Wong, Cindy Xing, Dejan Bosanac, & Kilton Hopkins Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Kubernetes Policy WG - Zhipeng Huang, Huawei & Erica Von Buelow, Red Hat Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Kubernetes (Network) SIG - Tim Hockin, Google Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Jaeger - Juraci Paixão Kröhling, Red Hat & Prithvi Raj, Uber Video -
Intro + Deep Dive BoF: Telecom User Group and Cloud Native Network Functions (CNF) Testbed Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: containerd - Wei Fu, Alibaba & Mike Brown, IBM Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Windows SIG - Michael Michael, VMware & Patrick Lang, Microsoft Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Apps SIG - Adnan Abdulhussein, Bitnami Video -
Deep Dive: Scheduling SIG - Babak Salamat, Google Video -
Deep Dive: Autoscaling SIG - Aleksandra Malinowska & Slawomir Chylek, Google Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes/Kubespray (Cluster Lifecycle) SIG - Antoine Legrand & Matthew Mosesohn Video -
Deep Dive: Kubernetes (UI) SIG - Jeffrey Sica, University of Michigan & Sebastian Floreks, Loodse Video -
Deep Dive: kops (Cluster Lifecycle) SIG - Justin Santa Barbara, Google & Mike Splain, Sonos Video -
Deep Dive: Cluster Lifecycle SIG (Cluster API) - Jason DeTiberus, VMware & Hardik Dodiya, SAP Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Prometheus - Julius Volz, Prometheus & Richard Hartmann, SpaceNet Video -
Panel Discussion: Care and Feeding: Burnout and Self Care in our Community - Aaron Crickenberger Video -
What Goes in a Release: Kubernetes 1.14 in Code, Conversations, and Hearts - Maria Ntalla, Pivotal Video -
Oops!...I Did It Again — I Reinvented gRPC - Austin Lamon & Dave Zolotusky, Spotify Video -
How to Create Kubernetes Experts - Clarke Vennerbeck & Aaron Teague, Supergiant Video -
State of Kubernetes Contributor Community - Paris Pittman, Google Video -
Monitoring Service Architecture and Health with BPF - Jonathan Perry, Flowmill, Inc. Video -
Network Observability with IPFIX, Prometheus and Elastic Stack - Rastislav Szabo Video -
Deploy, Scale and Extend Jaeger - Louis-Etienne Dorval, Ticketmaster Video -
Unblocking the Release Train with Istio Traffic Management - Dave Shepherd & Pierre Meunier Video -
Autoscaling Multi-Cluster Observability with Thanos and Linkerd - Andrew Seigner & Frederic Branczyk Video -
Kubernetes Networking: How to Write a CNI Plugin From Scratch - Eran Yanay, Twistlock Video -
Reenforce Kubernetes Image Isolation in Multi-Tenant Service - Eric Lin, Alibaba Video -
Building a Controller Manager for Your Cloud Platform - Fabio Rapposelli, VMware & Chris Hoge Video -
Let's Try Every CRI Runtime Available for Kubernetes. No, Really! - Phil Estes, IBM Video -
Lessons Learned Migrating Kubernetes from Docker to containerd Runtime - Ana Calin, Paybase Video -
Tailor-Made Security: Building a Kubernetes Specific Hypervisor - Samuel Ortiz & Andreea Florescu Video -
Scaling and Securing Spark on Kubernetes at Bloomberg - Ilan Filonenko, Bloomberg Video -
Economics and Best Practices of Running AI/ML Workloads on Kubernetes - Maulin Patel Video -
Moving People and Products with Machine Learning on Kubeflow - Jeremy Lewi, Google & Willem Pienaar Video -
A Tale of Two Worlds: Canary-Testing for Both ML Models and Microservices - Jörg Schad Video -
Kubernetes Networking at Scale - Laurent Bernaille, Datadog & Bowei Du, Google Video -
Peribolos: How Kubernetes Uses GitOps to Manage GitHub Communities at Scale - Christoph Blecker Video -
How Intuit Does Canary and Blue Green Deployments with a K8s Controller - Daniel Thomson Video -
Modern CI/CD with Tekton and Prow Automated via Jenkins X - James Rawlings, Cloudbees Video -
Repeatable Deployments with Kubernetes, Helm & Bazel - Rohan Singh, Hustle Inc Video -
Testing your K8s apps with KIND - Benjamin Elder, Google & James Munnelly, Jetstack.io Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Multicluster SIG - Irfan Ur Rehman, Huawei & Maru Newby, Red Hat Video -
Deep Dive: Vitess - Jiten Vaidya & Dan Kozlowski, PlanetScale Video -
Deep Dive: Azure SIG - Stephen Augustus, VMware & Lachlan Evenson Video -
Intro + Deep Dive: Kubernetes Storage SIG - Saad Ali, Google Video -
Keynote: Closing Remarks - Bryan Liles & Janet Kuo Video -
Keynote: Metrics, Logs & Traces; What Does the Future Hold for Observability? - Tom Wilkie Video -
Keynote: From COBOL to Kubernetes: A 250 Year Old Bank's Cloud-Native Journey - Laura Rehorst Video -
Keynote: Kubernetes - Don't Stop Believin' – Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer, VMware Video -
Keynote: Opening Remarks - Janet Kuo, Software Engineer, Google Video -
Learn how to Leverage Kubernetes to Support 12 Factor for Enterprise Apps - Brad Topol Video -
Fine-Grained Permissions in Kubernetes: What’s Missing, and How to Fix That - Vallery Lancey Video -
Databases on Kubernetes Using a Custom Operator: Day 1, Day 2, and Beyond - Johannes Unterstein Video -
Ingress V2 and Multicluster Services - Rohit Ramkumar & Bowei Du, Google Video -
Building Images Efficiently and Securely on Kubernetes with BuildKit - Akihiro Suda, NTT Corporation Video -
Panel Discussion: Leveraging Cloud Native Technology to Transform Your Enterprise Video -