- Ensure Android Studio is set up properly with your Android SDK installed.
- Clone the repository by clicking here.
- Using Android Studio, click "New -> Import Project" and select
. - Let Android Studio automatically build the project.
- Run the app using a Pixel 2 running API 27 Android Virtual Device.
- On startup, there should be a blank screen with buttons "Login" and "Register", if this is your first time running the app locally, press "Register", otherwise skip to step 5.
- Enter a preferred username using only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
- Enter a preferred password and confirm the password in the following field.
- Press "Register" - you should be taken back to the main menu.
- Press "Login" and enter the credentials you used to register an account.
- Once logged in, you will be directed to a game selection screen, simply tap the game you would like to play.
- If you tapped "Sliding Tiles" on the game selection screen, you will be directed to the main menu of Sliding Tiles.
- Press "New Game" to start a new game. You may also load from a previously saved game, change settings, or view the local leaderboards.
- Rearrange the tiles so that the numbers are in order with the blank tile on the bottom right.
- In order to make a move, tap any tile adjacent to the blank tile and the tile will be swapped with the blank tile.
- Try to finish with as few moves in as short a time as possible! They count towards your score.
- In order to undo a move, swipe right to left while inside the game screen.
- If you selected unlimited undos or gave yourself a custom number of undos in the settings menu, the action is the same.
- Exit the main game by pressing the 'back' button built into your Android device.
- Once back on the main game menu, press "Save Game".
- Either select "New Save" to save the game in a new slot, or select any of the existing saves to overwrite the existing save.
- This save will record the layout of the board, number of undos remaining, and other key game features for later.
- On the main game menu, press "Load Game".
- Select any of the save slots to load into the game saved.
- By default, your current game will always be autosaved into the autosave slot.
- If you enter the load game screen without tapping the "New Game" button, a randomly generated board will be saved in the autosave slot. Therefore, the autosave slot is not intended for permanent storage.
- The game is scored using a scoreboard system.
- Every time you finish a game, your score will be saved and the leaderboards screen will automatically pop up, recording your new score onto the scoreboard.
- If you would like to access the scoreboards, you may do so on the main menu by tapping the "Scoreboard" button.
- To change game settings before playing, launch the settings menu from the main screen.
- Your settings are not saved when the app is closed - however, existing saved games will continue to use the undo and complexity settings at creation. The autosave setting is not saved with your saved games.
- Select a complexity using the on screen buttons and press apply.
- Setting the number of undos: By default, players have unlimited undos.
- Set the amount of undos you would like by entering a number into the "Choose Undo Limit" text box.
- If you prefer an easier experience, you may set the Undo Limit to -1, indicating unlimited undos.
- To update the autosave interval, enter an integer greater than 0.
- Your progress will be saved every time you make the entered number of moves.
- If you tapped "Pawn Race" on the game selection screen, you will be directed to the main menu of Pawn Race.
- Press "New Game" to start a new game. You may also load from a previously saved game, change settings, or view the local leaderboards.
- The player (you) may either start as White or Black (with White being the default)
- Each player starts with 7 pawns, with a randomly selected gap on a rank every game
- Your goal is to get a pawn to the opposite end of the board before your opponent, the computer
- The computer uses an AI with adjustable difficulty
- Standard chess rules apply - moving forward, moving forward twice on the first move, sideward captures, and en passant captures
- To move, simply tap the piece you would like to move and tap the target square you would like to move to
- The moves must be valid moves, otherwise you must restart from the first tap
- Once you move, you must wait for the computer to move, which can be quite slow for higher difficulties
- The game is over when either a player reaches the end of the board, a player has no more pieces, or a player has pieces but no more available moves (in which case it is a stalemate)
- In order to undo a move, swipe right to left while inside the game screen. This will use up one of your undos, so be strategic!
- If you selected unlimited undos or gave yourself a custom number of undos in the settings menu, the action is the same.
- Exit the main game by pressing the 'back' button built into your Android device.
- Once back on the main game menu, press "Save Game".
- Either select "New Save" to save the game in a new slot, or select any of the existing saves to overwrite the existing save.
- This save will record the layout of the board, number of undos remaining, and other key game features for later.
- On the main game menu, press "Load Game".
- Select any of the save slots to load into the game saved.
- By default, your current game will always be autosaved into the autosave slot.
- If you enter the load game screen without tapping the "New Game" button, a randomly generated board will be saved in the autosave slot. Therefore, the autosave slot is not intended for permanent storage.
- The game is scored using a scoreboard system.
- Every time you finish a game, your score will be saved and the leaderboards screen will automatically pop up, recording your new score onto the scoreboard.
- If you would like to access the scoreboards, you may do so on the main menu by tapping the "Scoreboard" button.
- To change game settings before playing, launch the settings menu from the main screen.
- Your settings are not saved when the app is closed - however, existing saved games will continue to use the undo and complexity settings at creation. The autosave setting is not saved with your saved games.
- Select the color you would like to play as in the settings menu and click "Apply"
- Note that White moves first and Black moves second
- Select the difficulty of the computer you would like to play as in the settings menu and click "Apply"
- The easy difficulty searches 3 moves ahead
- The medium difficulty searches 4 moves ahead and dynamically increases its search range as the game progresses
- The hard difficulty searches 6 moves ahead
- Setting the number of undos: By default, players have unlimited undos.
- Set the amount of undos you would like by entering a number into the "Choose Undo Limit" text box.
- If you prefer an easier experience, you may set the Undo Limit to -1, indicating unlimited undos.
- To update the autosave interval, enter an integer greater than 0.
- Your progress will be saved every time you make the entered number of moves.
- If you tapped "3072" on the game selection screen, you will be directed to game activity of 3072.
- Standard rules of 2038 apply
- You swipe up, down, left, or right to merge tiles with the same number
- Your goal is to create the largest possible number without running out of moves
- Each time you swipe, a random new number will appear on the board
- The game is over once you run out of moves
- The game is scored as the game progresses using the sum of all tiles
- Every time you finish a game, your score will be saved and the leaderboards screen will automatically pop up, recording your new score onto the scoreboard.