Easily Build Your Vue.js App For Desktop With Electron
Pinned issues
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Background.js not being compiled to app.asar
#2003 opened by IH-Priyam - 1
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How to enable deep linking?
#1999 opened by brappier - 1
Incorrect loading of static svg files
#2001 opened by evgzap - 3
When packaging, the value passed in by the url () function in css points to the wrong path.
#1891 opened by WenyaoL - 1
- 1
It‘s alert an error about "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED element-icons" when run the .exe after electron build on win.
#1976 opened by bennett-doris - 0
Question: How to build a utility process?
#1998 opened by rathboma - 0
Do not compress the mainBundle during packaging
#1997 opened by ValueLan - 0
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Unable to import preload.js
#1980 opened by zhangpan-soft - 0
Socket.io is not working after packing to exe
#1994 opened by damonsong - 2
Transferring this repo?
#1942 opened by MatthijsBurgh - 1
ERROR: You are using an outdated version of NPM.
#1992 opened by oase473 - 1
Cannot import and use mqtt.js in main process
#1993 opened by ericlogic - 0
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Missmatch of dependencies versions between NPM and github
#1987 opened by meydanb - 6
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electron-builder build and install, run with error Cannot read property '_android' of undefined
#1990 opened by wuhaodes - 1
Why is navigator.bluetooth undefined after packaging?
#1989 opened by gentZhou - 0
Error: write EPIPE when killElectron
#1988 opened by mzisnm - 0
Can I ask a question,when I use the utilityProcess.fork in main process,what is the param modulePath?Thanks
#1986 opened by mzisnm - 0
Unable to modify Heap memory limit
#1985 opened by pgh268400 - 0
Any plans to release stable version of vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder 3.0 in near future?
#1984 opened by gankush - 0
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What project to use with Vite?
#1982 opened by undergroundwires - 0
robotjs failed to package using electron-builder?
#1979 opened by qzgyw - 0
Unable to Launch Electron App in Development Environment on Specific Computer
#1981 opened by rywaroy - 1
#1978 opened by wuxiaobin1995 - 1
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Electron 23 (node 18) support.
#1959 opened by camhart - 3
Blank page in child window
#1944 opened by ada-hou - 0
Error: Unknown option "mode"
#1945 opened by wxfred - 4
Are .env and .env.local files placed directly under the project root packed in the built product file?
#1936 opened by kurohoan - 2
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Bump electron-builder to ^23.6.0 | 3.0.0-alpha.4
#1931 opened by palmtown - 2
Dependencies not found
#1909 opened by Yemesoft - 5
Module parse failed: Unexpected character '#'
#1924 opened by AutismPatient - 2
Is there a risk that the github token in vue.config.js can be analysed and viewed by the distributed production version?
#1927 opened by kurohoan - 2
Are there any plans to support new Electron versions?
#1916 opened by kurohoan - 12
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How to change node version (e.g. use node 16 or 18)
#1921 opened by BaNkIck - 0
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autoUpdater.checkForUpdatesAndNotify() does not work.
#1907 opened by kurohoan - 7
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Cannot load preload.js from clean project
#1902 opened by Barrosy - 4
3.0.0-alpha.4 missing WASM MIME type
#1892 opened by timoschwarzer