This project contains different categories of tests with examples.
- DAG Validation Tests: To test the validity of the DAG, checking typos and cyclicity.
- DAG/Pipeline Definition Tests: To test the total number of tasks in the DAG, upstream and downstream dependencies of each task, etc.
- Unit Tests: To test the logic of custom Operators, custom Sensor, etc.
- Integration Tests: To test the communication between tasks. For example, task1 pass some information to task 2 using Xcoms.
- End to End Pipeline Tests: To test and verify the integration between each task. You can also assert the data on successful completion of the E2E pipeline.
Clone this repo to run these test in your local machine.
Unit tests cover all tests falls under teh first four categories.
Build the airflow image. Go to project root directory and run
docker build . -t airflow-test
Run the unit tests from the docker. Use your repository location for {SourceDir} (Eg. If you cloned your repo at
then SourceDir is/User/username
.)docker run -ti -v {SourceDir}/airflow-testing:/opt --entrypoint /mnt/ airflow-test run_unit_tests
End-to-End tests cover all tests of category five. To run these tests, we need to set up airflow environment in minikube. Also, we need to set up all the component required by your DAGs.
git clone brew cask install virtualbox (run if you don't have virtual box installed)
Install minikube
brew cask install minikube brew install kubernetes-cli minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
Mount all your DAGs,Plugins, etc. in minikube
minikube mount {project dir}/src/main/python/:/data
Open new terminal. Go to project root dir and run:
kubectl apply -f airflow.kube.yaml
wait for 3-4 min to start all airflow components.
This will set up following components:
- Postgres (To store the metadata of airflow)
- Redis (Broker for celery executors)
- Airflow Scheduler
- Celery Workers
- Airflow Web Server
- Flower
Get minikube ip by running minikube ip
Use minikube ip and access:
**Airflow UI:** {minikube-ip}:31317
**Flower:** {minikube-ip}:32081
Install all required components to run your DAGs in minikube. To run integration tests, available in this repo, we required MySQL and Presto on minikube.
kubectl apply -f {SourceDir}/k8s/mysql/mysql.kube.yaml kubectl apply -f {SourceDir}/k8s/presto/presto.kube.yaml
Run the integration tests from the docker. Use absolute path of this repository in your machine for {SourceDir}
docker run -ti -v {SourceDir}/airflow-testing:/opt --entrypoint /mnt/ airflow-test run_integration_tests {minikube-ip}