
AWS Lambda runtime for processing in Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

AWS Lambda Lisp Runtime

This package can be built and used as a layer to provide a Common Lisp runtime for AWS Lambda.

This package also includes several example functions that demonstrate the runtime in action.


To build this package, one needs an Amazon EC2 instance (or other machine) running the Amazon Linux 2 distribution. This instance also needs Clozure Common Lisp installed along with Quicklisp

Once those are installed, one can use make to build the runtime and the examples:


Deploying The Runtime

If you have Lambda access from your EC2 instance, you can deploy the built runtime by typing:

aws lambda publish-layer-version
    --layer-name lisp-runtime
    --zip-file fileb://layer.zip

Alternately, from the AWS web console, you can navigate to the Layers panel on the Lambda service page. From there, you can press Create Layer and upload the layer.zip file.

You will need the layer's Version ARN to use it with the sample functions. The Version ARN is returned from the publish-layer-version command. It is also visible on the Layers panel of the Lambda service page on the AWS web console.

Deploying The Sample Functions

If you have Lambda access from your EC2 instance, you can deploy the built runtime by typing:

aws lambda create-function
    --function-name lisp-hello
    --zip-file fileb://hello.zip
    --layers <arn from layer-publish above>
    --runtime provided
    --role <arn of a lambda execution role>

This will create a new AWS Lambda function called lisp-hello. This function is handled by the method hello-handler in the hello package. The runtime will load the hello.asd file, find the HELLO package, and find the HELLO-HANDLER function within that package. The role is the ARN of the role the AWS Lambda function will use while running. So, if you are making a function that requires read-only S3 access, the role should identify a role with that access.

Alternately, from the AWS web console, you can navigate to the Functions panel on the Lambda service page. From there, you can press Create Function. Select the Author from scratch option at the top. Provide a name for your function. Select Provide your own bootstrap from the Runtime dropdown. Select the execution role you desire. Press Create function.

Once the function is created, you can click on the Layers box in the Designer window. This will open up a box below the Designer window that will let you Add a layer and select your lisp runtimer layer. You will have to select Provide a layer version ARN and provide the Version ARN for the layer.

In the Function code section, you can select Upload a .zip file from the Code entry type drop-down menu and upload the hello.zip file. Make sure to set the Handler in the Function code section to HELLO:HELLO-HANDLER.

The other sample function handlers are:

  • error.zip has handler ERROR:ERROR-HANDLER which throws a Lisp error to exercise the Lambda error mechanism
  • dynamodb.zip has handler DYNAMODB:DYNAMODB-HANDLER which calls the method dynamodb:ListTables to exerices invoking AWS actions from within the Lambda handler.

Invoking The Sample Functions

If you have Lambda access from your EC2 instance, you can deploy the built runtime by typing:

aws lambda invoke
    --function-name lisp-hello

The output from the AWS Lambda function will be written to response.txt.