
An example of Clean Architecture in Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Clean Architecture Exploration

This directory contains a Lisp application for browsing a database of books. The application attempts to use a Clean Architecture as described by Uncle Bob Martin in various talks and blog posts.

The goal of Clean Architecture is to have the directory structure of your application shout out what your application does rather than what framework was used to present your application or what database is nestled in the depths of your application. Your program is divided into Entities, Use Cases, and Interface Adapters.

Entities encapsulate "Enterprise-wide business rules." Use Cases encapsulate "Application-specific business rules." Interfaces and Adapters represent how your Use Cases want to interact with the outside world (e.g. databases, users, printers, etc.).

In Clean Architecture, the Entities cannot know that the Use Cases exist and the Use Cases cannot know anything about the Adapters except for the Interface to them which is defined by the Use Case rather than by the Adapter. The Use Case does not know whether the application is being used from the command-line or from the web or from a remote service calling into it. The Use Case does not know whether the data is being stored in the file system or in a relational database. Nothing in the Adapters can know anything about the Entities.

Simple Example

I have a project that I am just starting. I thought I would use this new project to see how Clean Architecture works for me.

There are large number of talks and videos about Clean Architecture. However, there are not many examples of it despite several years of Stack Overflow questions and blog posts asking for examples.

There are a few simple examples around the web. The most notable is Mark Paluch's Clean Architecture Example. It is just big enough to get a sense of how things hang together. If you're willing to put up with Java's insane directory hierarchies, you can get a pretty good idea of what the application does just by poking around the Use Cases directory.

My First Use Case

My first Use Case is to let the User browse the a list of Book Summaries. The User should be able to sort by Title, Author, Publication Date, or Date the Book was acquired. The User should be able to filter the list based upon Genre or Keyword. The Use Case should allow the caller to implement pagination, so the Use Case needs to support returning up to a given number of Book Summaries starting with a specific number.

But, let's start with baby steps.

The Simplified Version of my First Use Case

Let's just say the User wishes to see a list of all of the Book Summaries.

This simple version of the Use Case is implemented in this repository under the tag the-dream.

Class Diagram (described below)

The architecture consists of some simple structures with no "business logic" in them at all: book-summary and book. It consists of one use case browse-books which defines the use-case interface browse-books-use-case along with its input structure browse-books-request and its output structure browse-books-response. It defines the method browse-books which must be called with a browse-books-use-case instance, a browse-books-request instance, and browse-books-response instance.

In my implementation, the browse-books-response is a simple data structure. One could easily imagine that the browse-books method would return one rather than filling one in that was passed to it. In some variants of Clean Architecture (like the Paluch example cited above), the response model is a class instance upon which a method is called to complete the interaction. I'm not sure what one gains by this. In some cases, it might provide you with an easy way to let the response happen asynchronously, but it seems unlikely that all of the Adapters calling your code would be okay with that sudden change in synchrony. And, your Use Case has to dictate how it is used, it cannot make assumptions or references to whomever invoked it except by calling methods on the response model which the Use Case defined.

The use case also defines the book-repository interface that it needs. In the Paluch example, all of the use cases share the same repository interfaces. In several of Uncle Bob's videos, he makes the claim (or claims equivalent to the claim) that each use case should define an interface for just the methods it needs to use on a Book repository. In this use case, it would need only the ability to retrieve the list of Books. In other use cases, it might instead need the ability find a Book based on its ISBN.

I wrote browse-books-impl class which extends the browse-book-use-case. It takes an instance of book-repository on construction. It uses that to retrieve the list of Books. Then, it creates a book-summary from each book instance retrieved from the book-repository.

To test the design so far, I wrote in-memory-book-repository backend which implements the book-repository interface that was defined in the Use Case. I also wrote a console frontend which invokes the browse-books-use-case.

To tie it all together, I wrote app-context which holds the current browse-books instance. And, I wrote the app which creates an instance of the in-memory-book-repository and creates the browse-books-impl for the app-context. Then, it runs the main loop of the console frontend.

Trouble In Paradise

Already, in this simple interface, I am torn. For this Use Case, I do not need the repository to return me the list of Books. I could, instead, ask the repository to return me the list of Book Summaries. If I do that, my application is just a fig-leaf over the repository.

Well, the argument against asking the repository for Book Summaries is that it should not be up to the database to decide how I would like to have my Books summarized. That certainly seems like it should be "business logic" and probably "application specific" business logic at that.

So, fine. I will have the repository return Books and the Use Case will summarize them.

Now, let me extend the Use Case the next little bit forward. What if I want to support pagination? My choices are to push the pagination down to the repository so that I can ask it to give me up to 20 Books starting with the 40th Book. Or, I can let the repository give me all of the books and do the pagination in the Use Case.

Here, I can find no guidance in any of the Clean Architecture videos that I have watched nor in the examples that I have found online. Everyone seems happy with the repositories being able to return one item given that item's unique identifier or return all of the items.

If the repository is going to return all of the Books, then why wouldn't my Use Case just return them all and leave the caller to do any pagination that is needed?

This works fine when there are a few dozen books and they are small. It does not scale, and I don't know how it is supposed to scale without pushing most of the responsibility onto the repository.

Sure, I can push the responsibility onto the repository. But, one of the reasons that Clean Architecture is so structured is to allow easy testing of all of the application logic. The more that I push into the repository, the less that I actually exercise when I run my unit tests with my mock repository (and the more complex my mock repository should probably be).