
Common Lisp front-end to CL-PDF and Vecto

Primary LanguageCommon LispThe UnlicenseUnlicense

DRAW v0.2.20220430

I started work on a package to create Sudoku diagrams. I know that sometimes I want them in a printable version and other times I want them in a format that is easily displayed on the web.

This package attempts to distill the common parts of CL-PDF, Vecto, and maybe someday CL-SVG into one interface where I can swap out the back-end to generate the type of file that I need at a given time.

To render the Sudoku diagrams as PDFs, I used these functions from CL-PDF: bounds, circle, close-and-fill, close-and-stroke, close-fill-and-stroke, draw-text, get-char-size, get-font, get-font-descender, get-kerning, in-text-mode, line-to, move-text, move-to, rectangle, set-font, set-line-width, set-rgb-fill, set-rgb-stroke, translate, with-document, with-page, with-saved-state, write-document

With the exception of the with-page macro, these all seem very do-able with Vecto (with some help from ZPB-TTF). These are probably all very do-able in CL-SVG, as well, (though maybe not with the font queries). At the moment, I am torn about making this an almost drop-in replacement (different package but same function names) for CL-PDF. Some of the names above though are awkward for something generic. Calling write-document for Vecto seems a bit odd.

Below is a test image as rendered by the Vecto backend. You can download the same image rendered by the CL-PDF backend.

sample image from Vecto (1 of 2)

sample image from Vecto (2 of 2)


This section outlines the known difference in output between the PDF backend and the Vecto backend beyond the fact that the PDF backend outputs multi-page vector graphics and Vecto outputs one raster graphic per page.


When you load a True-Type Font into CL-PDF, it usually (always?) embeds the font into the PDF.

I am not sure if there is something off in the way that:

  • PDF renderers use this embeded font,
  • CL-PDF puts the font into the PDF, or
  • CL-PDF uses PDF operators to render text strings.

The PDF document (or maybe just any of the PDF renders on my laptop) does not take advantage of the kerning information in the font.

This can be seen in the second page of sample images above. The odd text there was chosen to hit some of the most dramatic kerning shifts. If you compare the PDF version with the Vecto version, you will see that the Vecto version has used the kerning information to allow it to slide some characters closer together.

(I disagree with the font's choice to kern the exclamation point so close to the capital L, but that's what the font says and that's how it looks like when I use the font in an image editor.)

There is no mechanism with which to tell Vecto not to use kerning. I mean, why wouldn't one use it? My best guess is an Adobe vendetta against free fonts. I dunno.


The API of DRAW is based upon that of CL-PDF so that in many cases you will be able to simply swap PDF: (or :PDF in importing statements) with DRAW: (or :DRAW in importing statements).

To facilitate compatibility between CL-PDF and Vecto, the WITH-DOCUMENT now takes a :WIDTH and :HEIGHT argument.

Because CL-PDF supports multi-page documents and Vecto does not, you may like to write files out between each page when using the Vecto backend and write out the document at the end only when using the CL-PDF backend. To support this, DRAW provides the functions SUPPORTS-MULTIPAGE-DOCUMENTS and PAGE-NUMBERED-FILENAME.

(supports-multipage-documents) => t or nil
(page-numbered-filename base-filename &optional (digits 1)) => filename-with-zero-padded-pagenumber

For example:

(setf draw:*page-number* 37)
(page-numbered-filename #P"/tmp/draw.out") => #P"/tmp/draw37.out"
(page-numbered-filename #P"/tmp/draw.out" 4) => #P"/tmp/draw0037.out"

If you were generating a bunch of pages you might call WRITE-DOCUMENT after each WITH-PAGE giving it the PAGE-NUMBERED-FILENAME of your base output filename when SUPPORTS-MULTIPAGE-DOCUMENTS returns NIL. And you would call WRITE-DOCUMENT with your output filename when SUPPORTS-MULTIPAGE-DOCUMENTS returns non-NIL. Something like:

(with-document (:width width :height height)
  (with-page () ...render.page.1...)
  (unless (supports-multipage-documents)
    (write-document (page-numbered-filename output-filename))))

  (with-page () ...render.page.2...)
  (unless (supports-multipage-documents)
    (write-document (page-numbered-filename output-filename))))

  (when (supports-multipage-documents)
      (write-document output-filename)))

To help ensure one doesn't construct things that will render differently with different backends, errors are raised if you try to piece things together in unexpected ways like:

  • Use WITH-RENDERER inside another WITH-RENDERER scope,
  • Use WITH-DOCUMENT inside another WITH-DOCUMENT scope,
  • Use WITH-PAGE inside another WITH-PAGE scope,
  • Use WRITE-DOCUMENT outside of a WITH-DOCUMENT scope,
  • Perform WITH-DOCUMENT outside of a WITH-RENDERER scope,
  • Perform WITH-PAGE outside of a WITH-DOCUMENT scope,
  • Perform LOAD-TTF-FONT or GET-FONT outside of a WITH-DOCUMENT scope,
  • Perform drawing or transform operations outside of a WITH-PAGE scope, and
  • Perform do font and text operations (except LOAD-TTF-FONT and GET-FONT) outside of an IN-TEXT-MODE scope.

Currently, DRAW will let you do transformations like TRANSLATE, ROTATE, and SCALE in the middle of creating a path. This results in undefined behavior and the PDF and Vecto backends differ on how that is handled. In a future release, doing such things after starting a path but before closing it may raise an error, as well.


Method PDF Vecto


The DRAW-PDF backend exports the PDF-RENDERER class which can be used like:

(draw:with-renderer (draw-pdf:pdf-renderer)
  (draw:load-ttf-font font-name handle)
  (draw:with-document (:width width :height height)
    (draw:with-page ()
    (draw:write-document output-filename)))

The PDF backend can take advantage of these keyword arguments passed to WITH-DOCUMENT:

:author string
:title string
:subject string
:keywords string

Additionally, if you provide WITH-DOCUMENT both WIDTH and HEIGHT, then in the dynamic scope of the document, the default page size is WIDTH and HEIGHT.

You can override the page boundary using the keyword :BOUNDS to the WITH-PAGE macro and giving it a vector. However, if you do this, you will lose compatibility with the VECTO backend which cannot change page sizes within a document. The most portable option is to use the WIDTH and HEIGHT keywords for WITH-DOCUMENT.


The DRAW-VECTO backend exports the VECTO-RENDERER class which can be used like:

(draw:with-renderer (draw-vecto:vecto-renderer :dpi 150 :page-color '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))
  (draw:load-ttf-font font-name handle)
  (draw:with-document (:width width :height height)
    (draw:with-page ()
    (draw:save-png output-filename)))

The WITH-RENDERER can take the following arguments:

:dpi number
:page-color list

The DPI is the number of dots per inch. This specifies how many pixels there are in every inch (every 72-points) of document page.

The PAGE-COLOR is a list of either three or four numbers between 0 and 1. They are used to set the background color for each page. If you wish the image to be transparent, you can specify a zero four the fourth element of that list.

The Vecto backend can take advantage of these keyword arguments passed to WITH-DOCUMENT:

:width number
:height number

The WIDTH and HEIGHT are expected to be in points. The DPI is used to determine the pixel width and height to use for the output image.


At the moment, if you wanted to render with either CL-PDF or VECTO you could write almost all of your document in one place something like this:

(defun common-parts (output-filename width height)
  (draw:with-document (:width width :height height ...)
    (draw:load-ttf-font #P"/some/dir/myfont.ttf" "myfont")
    (draw:with-page ()
        (draw:set-font (draw:get-font "myfont"))
        (draw:text "My Common Document"))
    (draw:write-document output-filename)))

Then, you can write short functions to render with CL-PDF or VECTO:

(defun render-with-draw-pdf (output-filename width height)
  (draw:with-renderer (draw-pdf:pdf-renderer)
    (common-parts output-filename width height)))

(defun render-with-draw-vecto (output-filename width height dpi)
  (draw:with-renderer (draw-vecto:vecto-renderer :dpi dpi)
    (common-parts output-filename width height)))