
Brewing beer with Spring Cloud has never been that easy...

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status


Ever wanted to brew your beer using microservices? This repository will allow you to do so!

How does the brewery work?

Since pictures say more than words...

Here is the business flow of the app


And here additional tech related applications:


Presenting service (point of entry to the system)

  • Go to the presenting service (http://localhost:9991) and order ingredients
  • A request from the presenting service is sent to the aggregating service when order is placed
  • A "PROCESS-ID" header is set and will be passed through each part of beer brewing

Aggregating service

  • Service contains a warehouse ("database") where is stores the ingredients
  • Basing on the order placed it will contact the external services to retrieve the real ingredients
  • You have to have all 4 ingredients reach their threshold (1000) to start maturing the beer
  • Once the threshold is met the application sends a request to the maturing service
  • Each time a request is sent to the aggregating service it returns as a response its warehouse state

Maturing service

  • It receives a request with ingredients needed to brew a beer
  • The brewing process starts thanks to the Thread.sleep method
  • Once it's done a request to the bottling service is sent with number of worts
  • Presenting service is called to update the current status of the beer brewing process

Bottling service

  • Waits some time to bottle the beer
  • Presenting service is called to update the current status of the beer brewing process

Project structure

├── acceptance-tests (code containing acceptace-tests of brewery)
├── aggregating      (service that aggregates ingredients)
├── bottling         (service that bottles the beer)
├── common           (common code for the services)
├── config-server    (set up for the config server)
├── eureka           (Eureka server needed for Eureka tests)
├── git-props        (properties for config-server to pick)
├── gradle           (gradle related stuff)
├── img              (the fabulous diagram of the brewery)
├── maturing         (service that matures the beer)
├── presenting       (UI of the brewery)
├── zipkin-server    (Zipkin Server for Sleuth Stream tests)
└── zookeeper        (embedded zookeeper)

How to build it?

./gradlew clean build

How to build one module?

E.g. aggregating module

./gradlew aggregating:clean aggregating:build

How to run it?

Using Docker

Create the Dockerfiles. By default Zipkin integration is disabled.

./gradlew clean docker --parallel

And run docker compose

docker-compose up

This will build and run all the apps from jars. Also Zookeeper will be set up automatically.

To kill containers just type

docker-compose kill -f

To remove the containers just type

docker-compose rm -f

Using Gradle with embedded Zookeeper

To run it all without local Zipkin server and with an embedded Zookeeper server just execute:

./gradlew bootRun -Dspring.profiles.active=dev --parallel

Your logs will be visible in the console and in the respective build/logs/application.log folder.

How to run a single module?

To run a single module just execute (e.g. presenting module):

./gradlew presenting:bootRun -Dspring.profiles.active=dev

How to test it?

The easiest way is to:

  • Create a symbolic link somewhere on your drive to the acceptance-tests/scripts/runDockerAcceptanceTests.sh file.
  • You can execute that script with such options
    • -t what do you want to test (SLEUTH, ZOOKEEPER etc.)
    • -v in which version (1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT)
    • -r is brewery repo already in place and needs to be reset?

Once you run the script, the brewery app will be cloned, built with proper lib versions and proper tests will be executed


The code is ported from https://github.com/uservices-hackathon

The authors of the code are:

  • Marcin Grzejszczak (marcingrzejszczak)
  • Tomasz Szymanski (szimano)