
Demonstrating microservices backed by spring

Primary LanguageGroovy


#Instructions for Non-Docker users

Note : If you want to access grafana dashboard then either install it manually or refer to docker based version.

The sample application consists of microservices backed by spring and netflix components to build a simple catalog service.

The catalog service communicates with :

  1. Product-service : Simulates generating product.
  2. Price-service : Simulates price calculation for a given product.
  3. Comment-service : Simulates comments generation for a given product.

Apart from these there are:

  1. Eureka-service : Acts as a service registry.
  2. Zuul-service : Acts as a proxy.



#Launching In order to launch all microservices you can execute


You can visit http://localhost:8761/ to monitor all services registered with eureka.

#Sample request

Note, I am using jq library for filtering json data. If you prefer some different library then you need to re-adjust all commands pasted below.

#Determing ports, ip address, hostname and service name Execute

curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps | jq '.applications.application[] | {port:.instance.port["$"], ipAddress:.instance.ipAddr,hostName: .instance.hostName, serviceName:.name}'

Replace the port under which zuul-service is running on your computer and execute curl. For e.g. on my machine zuul-service is running on port 44953, so we can execute

curl -s localhost:44953/catalog-service/catalog/100 | jq .

You will get response like this:

  "product": {
    "price": {
      "amount": 1000.2
    "comments": [
        "content": "I like this product very much!!!",
        "author": "John",
        "productId": 100,
        "id": 1
        "content": "A must buy, worth the price",
        "author": "Bob",
        "productId": 100,
        "id": 2
    "description": "super cool product",
    "name": "Product-A",
    "id": 100
  "id": 100

Now If you will take the comment-service down, and execute

curl -s localhost:44953/catalog-service/catalog/100 | jq .

You will notice that only comments will be missing from the response and still your application will work. E.g.

  "product": {
    "price": {
      "amount": 1000.2
    "comments": [],
    "description": "super cool product",
    "name": "Product-A",
    "id": 100
  "id": 100

#Instructions for Docker users

#Dependecies Docker and docker-compose, refer to https://docs.docker.com for installation

#For Mac users If you are on mac then please replace localhost with IP address allocated to your docker machine. For e.g. If you are using docker toolbox then you can execute docker-machine ip <machine-name> and you will get something like

#gradle.properties Please create/update your's gradle.properties file to include docker's IP address. E.g.
For Mac Users:


For Linux Users:


#Launching Setup Build and deploy all projects by executing


Once all services are up and running , You can visit http://localhost:8761/ to monitor all services registered with eureka.

#Sample request

curl -s localhost:8765/catalog-service/catalog/100

You will get response like this:

  "product": {
    "price": {
      "amount": 1000.2
    "comments": [
        "content": "I like this product very much!!!",
        "author": "John",
        "productId": 100,
        "id": 1
        "content": "A must buy, worth the price",
        "author": "Bob",
        "productId": 100,
        "id": 2
    "description": "super cool product",
    "name": "Product-A",
    "id": 100
  "id": 100

Now If you will take the comment-service down, and execute

curl -s localhost:8765/catalog-service/catalog/100

You will notice that only comments will be missing from the response and still your application will work. E.g.

  "product": {
    "price": {
      "amount": 1000.2
    "comments": [],
    "description": "super cool product",
    "name": "Product-A",
    "id": 100
  "id": 100

#Scaling services docker-compose scale serviceName=num, where serviceName refers to name of existence service declared in docker-compose.yml e.g. docker-compose scale commentService=2

#grafana You can access dashboard via localhost:3000/

#Shutdown execute ./stop-all-on-docker.sh