Coding Challenge Project


Navigate to the directory you wish your repository to exist in, and run the following command:

git clone

Afterwards, we need to install the repository's dependencies through NPM, node's package manager:

npm install

This command iterates through the package.json file in the repository, and installs all defined dependencies that the API uses.


To serve the API simply type:

npm start

In the root directory of the repository. This will serve the application on port 3000 by default. What port the app is listening on will be printed to console, and from there you can access the application.


  • Displays a table showing each unique identifier and the oldest, newest and total count of data points in the corresponding timeseries. The table should be sortable by any of the four column headers.

  • Allows a user to search the table for a given identifier. As a user types in their search query, only rows with identifiers matching the query should continue to be displayed.

  • Selecting a row in the table plots the timeseries of the identifier in the selected row somewhere on the page.

  • The application should be built using Angular.js and the Highstock ( library.


The project was completed in the interest of speed, getting it done as fast as possible. There are a few shortcomings I am aware of.

  • Highcharts is not wrapped in as an Angular module
  • The client-side data management could be a little better
  • Smart table library is a little overkill, saves time, but makes me have multiple arrays


In the event that you wanted the original CSV file and my JSON conversion wasn't allowed, I would use a CSVtoJSON converter such as this ( to handle it.