
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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vitest-preview is a great help for debugging our test-cases, but some things are missing.

  • Missing: values of input fields are not shown in the preview
  • Missing: the active element is not shown
  • Unable to collect multiple screenshots
  • Tied to vitest or jest depending on which package you use.

This is an attempt to improve this behavior and make it more convenient to make screenshots of your tests.


I started out with a simple solution that does not need any dependencies, but it has gotten a little more complicated.

There are three components

  • A small Node.js server that accepts preview data on an endpoint and provides a server-sent events endpoint to push live-updates to a frontend
  • The frontend (runs on the server), that shows a list of received previews and shows them in an iframe element.
  • The debug() function that dumps the current DOM and sends it to the server.

Installation and configuration

npm install dom-preview


Run the server

npx dom-preview

Open http://localhost:5007/__dom-preview__/

In your test, call the debug function

import { screen } from "@testing-library/dom";
import { userEvent } from "@testing-library/user-event";
import { debug } from "dom-preview";

test("input fields", async () => {
  const user = userEvent.setup();
  document.body.innerHTML = `
      <label for="firstname">First name:</label><input id="firstname" type="text" value="" />
      <label for="lastname">Last name:</label><input id="lastname" type="text" value="" />
  debug("empty inputs");
  await user.type(screen.getByLabelText("First name:"), "Max");
  debug("firstname entered");
  await user.type(screen.getByLabelText("Last name:"), "Mustermann");
  debug("form complete");


If you want nicely styled previews, you need to make sure that your test-framework emits css into the DOM. In vitest, you can do this by setting

test: {
  css: true;

(see https://vitest.dev/config/#css for details)

Static assets

Sometimes your previews show images or use other files that would usually be delivered by your web-server. Since the dom-preview server is framework independent, it does not have information about those assets. It does not have access to your build configuration. As a workaround, the server has the ability to proxy all requests that do not go to the /__dom-preview__/-path to another URL. You can do this by using the option --proxy-to=<url>:

  • Run your usual vite- or webpack-dev-server on port '5173'
  • Run npx dom-preview --proxy-to-http://localhost:4000


A preview can have context. dom-preview does not make assumptions about what it is. It is just a string. In the UI it is used to group tests together.

The intended use is to store the name of the currrent test. In vitest, you can use configure a "setupFile":

test: {
  css: true,
  globals: true,
  setupFiles: ["./src/setupTests,js"]

and then create "setupTests" like this:

import { setDomPreviewContext } from "dom-preview";

beforeEach(() => {

Optimal setup for vite

Another convenient way is to use npm-run-all to run vite dev-server, tests in watch mode:

"scripts": {
    "dev:server": "vite --port=5173",
    "dev:unit": "vitest --ui",
    "dev:dom-preview": "dom-preview --proxy-to=http://localhost:5173",
    "dev": "run-p dev:*",

In my view, this is the ideal setup for doing test-driven development in frontend projects


This project is licensed under the MIT License


I want to be honest. There is just to much going on in my life at the moment and I might not have much time maintaining this project. I wanted to do it anyway. I tried to design this project to make it easily maintainable.

  • There are no dependendies except for development.
  • Only the following runtime dependencies are bundle
  • The library is small and has a clear scope. There might be some features missing, but I think of it as almost complete.
  • I don't see any way this library may impact security.

If you like to help me maintain and update dependencies, please contact me.

Funding ☕

You can also send me money, if you like my work: