
Puts source-position markers into the Handlebars output

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Puts source-position markers into the Handlebars output


npm install handlebars-source-locators


The following example demonstrates how to use this module:

const Handlebars = require('handlebars')
const addSourceLocators = require('handlebars-source-locators')

// Create a new Handlebars environment and add source-locators
const hbs = addSourceLocators(Handlebars.create())

hbs.registerPartial('info', `
Name: {{name}}
City: {{city}}

hbs.registerPartial('hobbies', `
{{#each hobbies}}
- {{.}}

const template = hbs.compile(`
{{> info}}

{{> hobbies}}

  name: 'Nils Knappmeier',
  city: 'Darmstadt',
  hobbies: [

This will generate the following output

<sl line="1" col="0"></sl>
<sl line="4" col="0"></sl><sl line="1" col="0" partial="info"></sl>
Name: <sl line="2" col="6" partial="info"></sl>Nils Knappmeier<sl line="2" col="14" partial="info"></sl>
City: <sl line="3" col="6" partial="info"></sl>Darmstadt<sl line="3" col="14" partial="info"></sl>
<sl line="4" col="0" partial="info"></sl><sl line="4" col="10"></sl>
<sl line="8" col="0"></sl><sl line="1" col="0" partial="hobbies"></sl>
<sl line="2" col="0" partial="hobbies"></sl><sl line="2" col="17" partial="hobbies"></sl>- <sl line="3" col="2" partial="hobbies"></sl>Aikido<sl line="3" col="7" partial="hobbies"></sl>
<sl line="4" col="0" partial="hobbies"></sl><sl line="2" col="17" partial="hobbies"></sl>- <sl line="3" col="2" partial="hobbies"></sl>Programming<sl line="3" col="7" partial="hobbies"></sl>
<sl line="4" col="0" partial="hobbies"></sl><sl line="2" col="17" partial="hobbies"></sl>- <sl line="3" col="2" partial="hobbies"></sl>Theater<sl line="3" col="7" partial="hobbies"></sl>
<sl line="4" col="0" partial="hobbies"></sl><sl line="2" col="17" partial="hobbies"></sl>- <sl line="3" col="2" partial="hobbies"></sl>Music<sl line="3" col="7" partial="hobbies"></sl>
<sl line="4" col="0" partial="hobbies"></sl>



Adds source-locators to a Handlebars-environment. The template-output will include tags of the form <sl line="1" col="4" [partial="partialName"]>

The meaning is that the output directly after this tag originates from the line/column in the tag. If the "partial" is not set, the output originates from the main-template.

The "line"-property is based off 1. The "col"-property is based off 0. This is consistent with the output of the "Handlebars.parse()"-function.

Kind: global function

  • Error if handlebarsEnvironment is the default Handlebars-environment. Please use "Handlebars.create" to create a new environment and pass that to this function. The default instance may be used in many places of the dependency tree. Modifying it may cause unexpected behavior in other libraries that seem not connected to this one at all.

Access: public

Param Type Description
handlebarsEnvironment Handlebars the Handlebars environment to modify


handlebars-source-locators is published under the MIT-license. See LICENSE.md for details.


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