
Mapper - MVP

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mapper - MVP for RideCo - Nicholas Koehler

This is an application that allows you to create, edit, and delete points of interest on a map.

Live Demo: https://nkoehler-mapper-website.azurewebsites.net/

Technology Stack

Mapping: OpenLayers 6, OSM

Front end: Angular 10, TypeScript 3.9, HTML5, CSS3

Back end: Django 3, Python 3.7

Database: PostgreSQL 10

Cloud: Azure App Service, Azure Database for PostgreSQL


This is an MVP. As such, there were many shortcuts taken in the interest of speed. Here are some shortcomings and how I would address them for a real production scenario.

Code Safety: Shortcuts were taken when calling functions/methods that may not always return success (ex. indexOf, etc.). In production, the return values would be properly checked and verified before proceeding.

Security: Secret keys, passwords, and configuration data are plain text. In production, these would be protected by a configuration vault or some other secure means of passing this data to the application.

Scalability: Thousands of simultaneous requests would slow down the system. In production, the backend would use caching where possible and would only select the columns needed from the table.

Mobile: Resolutions below 1280x720 are not supported. In production, the use of CSS3 queries would allow the header and sidebar to react to the smaller screen size with a popover menu.

Testability: Unit tests are missing. In production, the backend would feature near complete coverage for any complex logic ensuring the code is stable and performing as expected.

Source Code

All source code, assets, and schemas are included in this repository.

Install Locally

Download repository and extract to an accessible location. Ensure python and npm package manager is installed.

Front end

  1. cd FrontEnd
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Browse localhost:4200

Back end

  1. cd BackEnd\mapper
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python manage.py runserver
  4. Browse localhost:8000/location/poi/

Feature Wishlist

If there was more time, these are a few things I might add.

  • Presenting and storing more location information such as full address and nearby similar locations
  • Ability to search for a location based on tags and geography
  • Favouriting a location, marking a location as visited, and sharing a location via invite to a friend
  • Chart location distances from home address and provide routes

Thank You

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