
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Auth0 Navigator Tutorial

We included react, react-dom and fluxible libraries as peerDependencies in the package.json to avoid multiple instances of the libraries instantiated when installing the project with npm.


Using fluxible

The tutorial navigator widget was created to work with yahoo/fluxible library. To use it you must create a fluxible app and register the TutorialStore and ArticleStore stores. Then, in the view, you can add the TutorialNavigator, Breadcrumbs and Tutorial react components to render the navigator.

First you'll need to install the tutorial navigator using NPM.

npm install --save git@github.com:auth0/tutorial-navigator.git

After installing the tutorial navigator you create a fluxible app and register the two stores.

import Fluxible from 'fluxible';
import { TutorialStore, ArticleStore } from 'auth0-tutorial-navigator';
import serviceProxyPlugin from 'fluxible-plugin-service-proxy';


// create new fluxible instance
var app = new Fluxible({
    component: Application

// register plugins

// register stores


App.js - Creating a fluxible app and register the stores

Register the articleService using Constants.ArticleServiceName to retrieve the selected tutorial.

import { Constants, articleService } from 'auth0-tutorial-navigator';

app.getPlugin('ServiceProxyPlugin').registerService(Constants.ArticleServiceName, articleService);


Register the article service to retrieve the selected article from the API

After registering the service, create the context and instantiate then execute the loadSettingsAction to set the initial settings of the Tutorial Navigator.

import { loadSettingsAction, Constants } from 'auth0-tutorial-navigator';

let context = app.createContext();
var actionContext = context.getActionContext();

actionContext.executeAction(loadSettingsAction, {
	quickstart: { QUCKSTART-OBJECT-PARAM },
	navigation: { NAVIGATION-PARAM }
})).then(() => {

	//// Create your fluxible application element



Set the initial settings of the context after creating the context

Inside your fluxible application views you instantiate the TutorialNavigator, Breadcrumbs and Tutorial react components. You can also set other custom properties (e.g. customNavigationAction and componentLoadedInBrowser ) depending on your needs.

<TutorialNavigator customNavigationAction={CUSTOM-NAV-PARAM} componentLoadedInBrowser={COMPONENT-LOADED}/>

Tutorial Navigator instance in the app

Without fluxible

If you don't have fluxible in your context, you will need to create the context by your own before instantiating the component.

Include a script reference to the standalone version of the tutorial navigator

<script type="text/javascript" src="[TODO-REPLACE]"></script>

Use the provided function to create a custom context

var createCustomContext = require('tutorial-navigator').createCustomContext;
var context = createCustomContext();

Call loadSettingsAction with the custom context and the initial settings. The function returns a promise.

loadSettingsAction(context, {
	baseUrl: { BASE-URL-PARAM },
	quickstart: { QUCKSTART-OBJECT-PARAM },
	navigation: { NAVIGATION-PARAM }

Once the initial loading completes, you can call React.render with the NavigatorAndTutorialView passing the context as the custom options (which already has the TutorialNavigator and TutorialView inside it)

var NavigatorAndTutorialView = tutorialNavigatorPackage.NavigatorAndTutorialView;


	React.createElement(NavigatorAndTutorialView, {
		context : context,
		tutorialLoadedInBrowser : function(){

Install & Build

From Auth0's CDN, ready to go

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.auth0.com/tutorial-navigator/0.7.2/build.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.auth0.com/tutorial-navigator/0.7.2/build.js"></script>

You may also use our minified or standalone versions build.min.*.

Downloading from this repository

Run the following lines in your terminal

$ git clone git@github.com:auth0/tutorial-navigator.git
$ cd tutorial-navigator
$ npm build

And then you can get the files from the build/ folder.


$ git clone git@github.com:auth0/tutorial-navigator.git
$ cd tutorial-navigator
$ npm start

After that you will have access to http://localhost:8989/


This are the list of properties you use to initialize the contorl

Name Type Description Required
docsDomain string base url used to fetch the tutorial
basePath string
selectedTutorial object if set, it will try to load the tutorial
routing bool if enabled it will use page for routing
userTenants array
platforms object object containing all the information required by the control
platformsFetchFn function if platforms is not defined, it will use this function to get the platforms from the server. Should return a promise
singleTpl element Element used for parsing the tutorial
onTutorialLoad function Event triggered when the tutorial is loaded
onTutorialReset function Event triggered when the tutorial is reset
onTutorialUpdate function Event triggered on navigation

Component Structure

The TutorialNavigator react class contains all the elements and is in charge of mantaining the state.

The grid below the title is the list of Quickstarts


Tutorial Navigator and Quickstart list

When you click on one Quickstart the list is loaded with a list of techonologies


Tech list

Once you click on the Techonology the template is requested and loaded in the defined template


Tutorial Loaded

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.