
:1234: This is a Vue number plugin. It animates the number that you pass in prop.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Animated Number Vue 3 & 2

npm icon icon

Simple & lightweight animated number plugin designed for Vue.js 3.0 & 2.x. This plugin provides animated transitions for numeric values, enhancing the visual appeal of numerical data in Vue.js applications.


Key Features:

  • Vue 3 & 2 (with animejs) is supported in version 2.x.x. icon icon npm
  • Vue 2 (with gsap) is supported in version 1.x.x. icon Static Badge


Explore the demos:


To integrate the Animated Number Vue plugin into your project, follow the installation steps below.

npm install vue-number-animation

For Vue versions <=2.6 and vue-number-animation@2.x.x, ensure you also install @vue/composition-api.


Register the Animated Number component in your Vue application as demonstrated in the code snippet below:

// For version 2.x.x - import the component as usual
import NumberAnimation from "vue-number-animation";

// For version 1.x.x
import Vue from "vue";
import VueNumber from "vue-number-animation";


In your Vue file, utilize the Animated Number component:

// For version 2.x.x

// For version 1.x.x


Property Description Type Default
to Animation end point number 100
tag Element wrapper string 'span'
from Animation start point number 0
duration Duration of the animation (seconds) number 1
delay Amount of delay (seconds) before the animation starts number 0
easing Ease of the animation string 'linear' (for version 2.x.x) / 'Power1.easeOut' (for version 1.x.x)
autoplay (for version 2.x.x) / animationPaused (for version 1.x.x) Pauses animation at starting point boolean true (for version 2.x.x) / false (for version 1.x.x)


  • For version 2.x.x: Choose from various eases to control the rate of change during the animation. Refer to animejs documentation.

  • For version 1.x.x: Choose from various eases to control the rate of change during the animation. Refer to GreenSock Easing documentation. Don't forget the '.' between ease name, e.g., Circ.easeInOut.


Event Description
start Called when the animation has started
complete Called when the animation has completed
update Called every time the animation updates (on every frame while the animation is active)


Method Description
play Starts the animation
pause Pauses the animation
restart Restarts and begins playing forward from the beginning

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