#### DGLD CBT Ocean Nodes and GuardNode kinda all-in-one script #### ######## WARNING: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING! ######## # CryptoRaptor Represent # https://twitter.com/cryptopoly # Semi-Pros # Git clone this repo and execute this file if you're in the know. If the previous sentence is jibberish check out the easy steps :D # Noobs # Step 1 - Open terminal # Step 2 - Type 'nano cbt.sh' and press Enter [nano text editor appears] # Step 3 - Copy below script into nano # Step 4 - Press Ctrl+x # Step 5 - Type 'y' # Step 6 - Press Enter to save # Step 7 - Type 'chmod +x cbt.sh' and press Enter # Step 8 - Type './cbt.sh' and press Enter # Step 9 - Type 'sudo -s', press Enter and type your password # Step 10 - Restart once all installed # TERMINAL SHORTCUTS/COMMANDS: # 'cc' shortcut to open the command console # '00' to exit the command console # 'dgld' and 'cbt' are shortcuts for RPC call - e.g. getblockchaininfo, getbalance # 'nodestart' or 'nodestop' to launch/kill both nodes ######### INSTALL_SCRIPT ######## # Log stuff for troubleshooting set -x ## Save useful shortcuts for node functions ## echo "alias dgld='docker exec guardnode_ocean_1 ocean-cli -rpcport=8443 -rpcuser=ocean -rpcpassword=oceanpass '" >> ~/.bash_aliases echo "alias cbt='docker exec guardnode_ocean-cb_1 ocean-cli -rpcport=8332 -rpcuser=ocean -rpcpassword=oceanpass '" >> ~/.bash_aliases echo "alias nodestart='docker-compose -f $HOME/dgld/mainnet/docker/guardnode/docker-compose.yml up -d'" >> ~/.bash_aliases echo "alias nodestop='killall oceand'" >> ~/.bash_aliases echo "alias cc='$HOME/DGLD_GuardianCommandConsole/GuardianCommandConsole_DGLD_CBT.sh'" >> ~/.bash_aliases source ~/.bash_aliases # Install required libraries/functions cd sudo apt install git -y sudo apt-get update -y git clone https://github.com/goldtokensa/config dgld git clone https://github.com/cryptopoly/DGLD_GuardianCommandConsole sudo apt install docker -y sudo apt install docker-compose -y sudo apt install jq -y sudo apt install curl -y sudo apt autoremove -y # Install GuardNode cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/commerceblock/guardnode cd guardnode sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt sudo python3 setup.py build sudo python3 setup.py install # Update Docker premissions to docker without mod sudo usermod -aG docker $USER source ~/.bash_aliases # Add double-click to run in terminal gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences executable-text-activation ask # Run Stuff cd $HOME/dgld sudo docker-compose -f $HOME/dgld/mainnet/docker/guardnode/docker-compose.yml up -d sleep 2 sudo docker exec guardnode_ocean_1 ocean-cli -rpcport=8443 -rpcuser=ocean -rpcpassword=oceanpass getblockchaininfo sudo docker exec guardnode_ocean-cb_1 ocean-cli -rpcport=8332 -rpcuser=ocean -rpcpassword=oceanpass getblockchaininfo # Confirm exit command read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to restart" echo "" echo "" shutdown -r