Set of UI components that consists of stylesheet, reactjs component, and docs on how to use it.
- Bundling styles and script should be light as possible.
- UI characteristic must be light, responsive, and easy to apply.
- Reasonable appoarch on how to do styles and scripts.
- Each component must be well documented.
- Each component must be independent and can be place anywhere.
- Easily import or apply to another software project.
Make sure you've installed these in your device/s.
Clone this repository
$ cd <fav-directory> $ git clone $ cd liteui
Install project's dependencies.
$ yarn install
Run the project and enjoy!
$ yarn start
yarn start
- Starts the development server.
yarn start:styleguide
- Starts the styleguidist server
yarn build
- Bundles the app into static files for production.
yarn test
- Run the whole test once.
yarn test:watch
- Starts the test runner
yarn lint
- Checks code for any violations of the prettier rules.
yarn lint:fix
- Fixes code violations automatically.
If you found a bug, or have any questions. Do post an issue. ❤️ 🎉
Want to contribute? Do pull request ❤️ 🙇
MIT © Neil Kim Gardose