
Basic script to quickly scaffold an empty machine learning project for python

Primary LanguageShell


Basic script to quickly scaffold an empty machine learning project for python

What it does

It creates a basic file structure with one python file which you can use to start a new project on Machine Learning/Deep Learning

List of files and folders it creates
  • It installs the tree package for linux for showing the directory structure
  • __init__.py: This file can we used as the application start point.
  • api: This directory can be used to generate rest api endpoints for the project.
  • assets: This directory is used to put on the application assets required like image dataset.
  • data: This directory can be used for storing the dataset csv's.
  • db: Here in this directory can be used as the database point where you can create database object.
  • lib: For developing and using the libraries and external source code application needs.
  • releases: Put your final release packages there like pickel objects to transfer trained models.
  • services: Here I like to create all the non associative services like mailer and somethng else.
How to use
  • Clone the repo.
  • Provide execution rights to the script.
  • You're ready to go
For creating new project scaffold
> blink.sh <project_name>
> for ex: blink.sh my_super_cool_project
> Then press enter