
📦 Simple (yet powerful) build tool for any target (browser/node/cli) ⚙ Powered by rollup, babel, gluegun, typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

📦 pkger

Simple (yet powerful) build tool inspired by tsdx, microbundle and klap. Designed to do everything well by default, and allow you to customize any step of the process to your liking.

Standing on the shoulders of giants:


  • Build packages for the browser, node and the cli
  • Rollup powered build system (can be extended infinitely)
  • Seperate cjs builds for production and development
  • Super easy api for multiple entry points
  • Interprets and manages package.json (module, exports, bin, files, ...)
  • Automatically creates entry points for sub-entries
  • Configues exports map property for latest node support
  • Pika cdn support for multiple entry points out of the box
  • Use internal aliases like @components, @themes for entry points to code-split (including dynamic imports)
  • Zero-config support for typescript, React and latest ES syntax (powered by Babel)
  • Scaffold command line apps with dev and prod modes
  • Custom config with a pkger.config.ts file or pkger entry in package.json:
    • Hook into build system (preBuild, postBuild) and do anything with a gluegun-powered toolbox
    • Add custom tasks that can be run with pkger run <cmd> (allowing to write mini node tasks for your projects)
    • Write typescript with modern syntax in the config file too
  • Range of templates to get started working on your ideas