- 0
Weird build/dev issue
#414 opened by devinatbryt - 2
vinxi build --config <path> broken in 0.4.3
#388 opened by paularmstrong - 3
Vinxi CLI --mode not working properly
#378 opened by fitimbytyqi - 1
Expand CI test matrix from Node 18 to 18/20/22
#413 opened by birkskyum - 1
Extra ./node_modules/ folder created just for .vinxi when used with `bun` workspaces
#320 opened by birkskyum - 0
Missing / guides
#411 opened by birkskyum - 0
Nitro compatibility date warning
#412 opened by birkskyum - 1
Vinxi not use vite.config.ts in the root folder
#399 opened by condef5 - 2
Update to nitro 2.10
#409 opened by thdxr - 3
- 1
- 0
Errors in config file may result in a huge amount of temporary files being generated
#403 opened by Dschungelabenteuer - 8
`vinxi dev` doesn't load .env properly with Deno
#346 opened by birkskyum - 0
Vinxi is treeshaking tslib modules needed for bun
#402 opened by atoko - 3
Using `consola` breaks build
#365 opened by peterhirn - 4
- 0
- 0
Error when restarting dev server - `WebSocket server error: Port is already in use`
#397 opened by BierDav - 1
- 2
- 1
Vinxi with other build tools
#374 opened by edwardwilson - 1
File based routing breaks vite plugins that can't process query params in filename
#389 opened by toakleaf - 1
https with custom host and certificates in dev
#386 opened by nikitavoloboev - 0
TypoError In Documentation
#395 opened by nd28 - 0
[Feature] Add option to configure custom HMR port
#394 opened by peterhirn - 0
API page not found:404
#393 opened by devrashed01 - 6
- 1
Dev mode bundle bug
#384 opened by Firerer - 0
[Feature] Support tree shaking for mdx files
#381 opened by Codpoe - 1
Is there a community forum or discord channel?
#380 opened by sarat1669 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Exit status 0 when prererendering fails
#362 opened by oscartbeaumont - 3
Can't finish production build with Bun
#372 opened by qm3ster - 0
add --open
#366 opened by huseeiin - 3
Prevent js assets from being added into the public assets when targeting server
#363 opened by SeanCassiere - 2
Add license field to packages
#343 opened by thomasballinger - 3
Import {type Foo} Improperly handled (?)
#358 opened by Caesarovich - 0
Add `vinxi run` stop args "--"
#356 opened by jcalfee - 40
- 0
feat: auto-reload server when `.env` changes
#345 opened by juliusmarminge - 0
WebSocket with fs router support
#342 opened by cpud36 - 0
Some bug in Vite < 5.3.2 or lightnin/sass/... causes parsing exception during prod build
#340 opened by apatrida - 11
- 2
- 3
Breaking bug in CSS handling in 0.13.3
#331 opened by apatrida - 1
Assets incorrectly loaded from unrelated page
#326 opened by lominming - 2
Unable to load static assets in AWS Lambda
#321 opened by Rizialdi - 0
[Proposal] Bundle config file to some outdir
#314 opened by GoodbyeNJN