This is where the case studies for exoplanet live!
First: thank you for considering contributing a case study!
Take a look at the exoplanet developer docs for information about how to set up your system.
Then, you can fork this repo and add your case study as a notebook to the docs/notebooks
A few things to double check:
- The format should follow one of the existing case studies. In particular, the first two cells should be
%matplotlib inline
and%run notebook_setup
, followed by a markdown cell describing the case study. - Make sure that you clear the outputs of your notebook before committing. Otherwise this repo will get unruly! I normally use nbstripout to make sure that this always happens.
Finally, please edit the docs/
file to include the info about your case study in the case_studies
If it's not clear what to do there, we can discuss it in the pull request thread.
To update the notebooks you'll want a big machine (I'll do this at work for an actual release - you don't need to do this if you're contributing!).
You'll need a file .github_api_key
with (surprise!) your GitHub API key as the only contents.
Then you can run ./
to automatically execute the notebooks and push them to the auto_notebooks