Hi there!
I'm intensively learning to code and interested in data science, aiming to be hired as data analyst in 2021.
This repository is for various side projects and code snippets I had fun with during mine coding learning journey.
List of projects:
- Pull-ups Ladder Calculator -- prints number of sets, amount of pull-ups to do for each set and a total number of pull-ups completed during a workout based on the maximum number of pull-ups a user wants to do and a "Ladder Technique" that has been chosen (either a one-way ladder: 1-2-3, or a two-ways ladder: 1-2-3-3-2-1).
- Bad Habits Tracker -- not finished yet..
- Tinkoff Fintech tasks -- my solutions to coding problems for Tinkoff Fintech Junior / Tinkoff Internship admission tests.
- Career Factory -- my solution to an open Data Analyst competition held by Карьерный Цех. Evaluating A/B-test design, data cleaning, data anomalies detection, checking splitting system, calculating conversion and bounce rates, log-scale transformation, Shapiro–Wilk test of normality, performing a bunch of A/B-tests using different statistical approaches (Z-test, Mann-Whitney rank test), plotting results, concluding and giving recommendations for follow-up actions.
- Yandex Manager School -- my solutions to the test tasks applying for Yandex Manager School (Product Analytics department): Python, Pandas, SQL.
- Yandex Advertising Analytics -- my solutions to the test tasks applying for Yandex Advertising Analytics internship program: Python, Pandas, SQL, presentation, recommendations how to improve advertising campaign efficiency and conclusions.
- Google Sheets Course -- Google Sheets Course by Yandex Praktikum. Covers following topics: data analysis, reporting, pivot tables, filtering data, processing data, importing data & data visualization. Mastering given Google Sheets functions: IF, SUMIF(s), UNIQUE, IMPORTXML, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF(s), COUNTUNIQUE, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVERAGE, AND, OR, IFERROR, VLOOKUP, QUERY, IMPORTRANGE, etc.
Hope this repo will help you to assess my coding skills or will be just fun for you to play with.
Feel free to contact me via nktn.lx@gmal.com
Follow me on twitter: @nktn_lx
And here on github: github.com/nktnlx