
This repository is for various side projects and code snippets I had fun with during mine coding learning journey.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Hi there!

I'm intensively learning to code and interested in data science, aiming to be hired as data analyst in 2021.
This repository is for various side projects and code snippets I had fun with during mine coding learning journey.

List of projects:

  1. Pull-ups Ladder Calculator -- prints number of sets, amount of pull-ups to do for each set and a total number of pull-ups completed during a workout based on the maximum number of pull-ups a user wants to do and a "Ladder Technique" that has been chosen (either a one-way ladder: 1-2-3, or a two-ways ladder: 1-2-3-3-2-1).
  2. Bad Habits Tracker -- not finished yet..
  3. Tinkoff Fintech tasks -- my solutions to coding problems for Tinkoff Fintech Junior / Tinkoff Internship admission tests.
  4. Career Factory -- my solution to an open Data Analyst competition held by Карьерный Цех. Evaluating A/B-test design, data cleaning, data anomalies detection, checking splitting system, calculating conversion and bounce rates, log-scale transformation, Shapiro–Wilk test of normality, performing a bunch of A/B-tests using different statistical approaches (Z-test, Mann-Whitney rank test), plotting results, concluding and giving recommendations for follow-up actions.
  5. Yandex Manager School -- my solutions to the test tasks applying for Yandex Manager School (Product Analytics department): Python, Pandas, SQL.
  6. Yandex Advertising Analytics -- my solutions to the test tasks applying for Yandex Advertising Analytics internship program: Python, Pandas, SQL, presentation, recommendations how to improve advertising campaign efficiency and conclusions.
  7. Google Sheets Course -- Google Sheets Course by Yandex Praktikum. Covers following topics: data analysis, reporting, pivot tables, filtering data, processing data, importing data & data visualization. Mastering given Google Sheets functions: IF, SUMIF(s), UNIQUE, IMPORTXML, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF(s), COUNTUNIQUE, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVERAGE, AND, OR, IFERROR, VLOOKUP, QUERY, IMPORTRANGE, etc.

Hope this repo will help you to assess my coding skills or will be just fun for you to play with.

Feel free to contact me via nktn.lx@gmal.com
Follow me on twitter: @nktn_lx
And here on github: github.com/nktnlx