
My 2021 portfolio made in TailwindCSS + React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My 2021 Personal React Site

My own site designed and developed by me, to have fun with learning new technologies (like Framer Motion in the future...) and utilizing them into showing off my past + current projects. You will also be able to see more info about the Minecraft community I manage, called Shroomhearth 🍄

Click over there -> https://www.nktruong.com/

Portfolio site

Tech Stack

React and TailwindCSS for the front-end. Hosted on Netlify!

Why React? During development of my demo day project, Cookdeck, I had lots of trouble keeping track of my header/navigation bar: where I changed it, which looked better, etc. Due to some back-end API work as well, EJS would throw an error if the variable did not exist. In this case, the user was not logged in so there was no email to check for. So, knowing that React is a UI component library and that I would eventually be learning that, I jumped on board early to get a head start in the trenches of React. And it was fruitful, as you can see on my site!

Why Tailwind? Just personal choice. I like their opinionated design guidelines and also don't want to take much time remembering the CSS for things like animations. I already had a very solid foundation of CSS (selectors up to responsive design), but Tailwind made it so quick to use and learn new styles from how short the utility classes are named.Their Youtube videos are also pretty cool too.