

Primary LanguagePHP


The whole codebase, webside, api, and mobile apps are located under the repository https://github.com/JesperLeoMoberg/sdetobotdb
It's owned by Jesper Leo Moberg, so only he can give access

The website itself will be on http://udstyr.sde.dk/ and api on http://udstyr.sde.dk/api
The android application for android will be in the repository, it can be compiled to apk inside intellij

if you have an experience with android development or eventually ios development, nodejs, and php, then it should be easy.


The site is pure php, might use lavarel later to make it easier. The admin dashboard lies in /admin, it can only be accessed by an admin user with rank 1.
The user page lies in /user and is composed based on the current logged in user.

The website will NOT work without the api running.



When got access and cloned the project, you should always run npm i in cmd in the api folder, ensuring you have nodejs installed. This will install all the libraries mentioned in the package.json. (An visual of the file is shown below)

  "name": "api",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "boom": "latest",
    "hapi": "^18.1.0",
    "joi": "latest",
    "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
    "uuid": "^3.3.2"
  "devDependencies": {
    "hapi-auth-jwt2": "^8.3.0",
    "hapi-mysql2": "^2.2.5"

Check if wishlist accrue between 2 dates. SELECT * FROM wish_list WHERE (start_date <= '2019-06-30') and (end_date >= '2019-06-27') AND godkendt = 0

check for between 2 dates the product not available :

SELECT school_products_id,SUM(quantity) as total_quantity FROM connection_product_wishlist as cw INNER JOIN wish_list as wl ON cw.wish_list_id = wl.id WHERE (start_date <= '2019-06-30') and (end_date >= '2019-06-27') AND godkendt = 0 GROUP BY school_products_id

Check available product quantities from between 2 dates.

SELECT school_products_id,(SELECT COUNT(pe.products_id) from product_unit_e as pe WHERE pe.products_id = cw.school_products_id and pe.current_status_id = 1) - SUM(cw.quantity) as total_quantity FROM connection_product_wishlist as cw INNER JOIN wish_list as wl ON cw.wish_list_id = wl.id WHERE (wl.start_date <= '2019-06-30') and (wl.end_date >= '2019-06-27') AND godkendt = 0 GROUP BY school_products_id