
This activity is

What you'll need:

  • A linux machine with internet access (you can use virtualbox and a linux live CD on windows if you don't have access to a linux machine)
  • on the linux machine you'll need
    • The latest version of docker, which should also have docker-compose
    • git
    • port 8080 free

To start the instances:

docker-compose up

To stop the instances:

docker-compose down

Force your module to be loaded by adding it in manifests/site.pp

node default {
  include module_name

To run puppet against the code you placed in the manifests directory execute this command

docker exec -it puppetdemonstration_web_1 /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -t

To reset the environment if there are any issues, remove the images


To enter the docker container to debug or look around:

  • puppet agent
docker exec -it puppetdemonstration_web_1 /bin/bash
  • puppet server
docker exec -it puppetdemonstration_puppet_1 /bin/bash
  • nginx
 docker exec -it nginx /bin/bash