
Terraform module for Teleport

Primary LanguageHCL

Teleport into Google Cloud Platform




Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
google >= 3.54.0


Name Version
google >= 3.54.0


Name Source Version
bucket terraform-google-modules/cloud-storage/google//modules/simple_bucket 3.0.0
custom_role terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/custom_role_iam 7.3.0
iam_service_accounts terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/service_accounts_iam 7.3.0
iam_storage_buckets terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/storage_buckets_iam 7.3.0
service_account terraform-google-modules/service-accounts/google 4.0.3


Name Type
google_kms_crypto_key.teleport resource
google_kms_crypto_key_iam_binding.binding resource
google_kms_key_ring.teleport resource
google_storage_project_service_account.gcs_account data source


Name Description Type Default Required
bucket_labels Map of labels to apply to the bucket map(string)
"made-by": "terraform"
bucket_location The bucket location string n/a yes
bucket_storage_class Bucket storage class. string "MULTI_REGIONAL" no
enable_kms Enable custom KMS key bool n/a yes
keyring_location The KMS keyring location string n/a yes
lifecycle_rules The bucket's Lifecycle Rules configuration.
# Object with keys:
# - type - The type of the action of this Lifecycle Rule. Supported values: Delete and SetStorageClass.
# - storage_class - (Required if action type is SetStorageClass) The target Storage Class of objects affected by this Lifecycle Rule.
action = any

# Object with keys:
# - age - (Optional) Minimum age of an object in days to satisfy this condition.
# - created_before - (Optional) Creation date of an object in RFC 3339 (e.g. 2017-06-13) to satisfy this condition.
# - with_state - (Optional) Match to live and/or archived objects. Supported values include: "LIVE", "ARCHIVED", "ANY".
# - matches_storage_class - (Optional) Storage Class of objects to satisfy this condition. Supported values include: MULTI_REGIONAL, REGIONAL, NEARLINE, COLDLINE, STANDARD, DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY.
# - num_newer_versions - (Optional) Relevant only for versioned objects. The number of newer versions of an object to satisfy this condition.
condition = any
"action": {
"type": "Delete"
"condition": {
"age": 365,
"with_state": "ANY"
namespace The Kubernetes namespace string n/a yes
project The project in which the resource belongs string n/a yes
service_account The Kubernetes service account string n/a yes


Name Description
service_account Service Account for Teleport