
Java GUI to accompany datatool.sty LaTeX package

Primary LanguageTeXGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Java application for use with the datatool LaTeX package.

The DatatoolTk Java application can be used to create datatool.sty DBTEX files, which can be quickly imported into a LaTeX document using \DTLread (for datatool.sty v3.0+ or \input for older versions). The output format may also be set to DTLTEX (which contains user-level LaTeX commands rather than special internals). If your version of datatool.sty is older than 3.0, be sure to set the format to dbtex-2 or dtltex-2 (with the --output-format switch in batch mode or the appropriate format selector in GUI mode).

For example, the file booklist.csv contains:

The Adventures of Duck and Goose,Sir Quackalot,paperback,3,$10.99
The Return of Duck and Goose,Sir Quackalot,paperback,5,$19.99
More Fun with Duck and Goose,Sir Quackalot,paperback,1,$12.99
Duck and Goose on Holiday,Sir Quackalot,paperback,3,$11.99
The Return of Duck and Goose,Sir Quackalot,hardback,3,$19.99
The Adventures of Duck and Goose,Sir Quackalot,hardback,9,$18.99
My Friend is a Duck,A. Parrot,paperback,20,$14.99
Annotated Notes on the ‘Duck and Goose’ chronicles,Prof Macaw,ebook,10,$8.99
‘Duck and Goose’ Cheat Sheet for Students,Polly Parrot,ebook,50,$5.99
‘Duck and Goose’: an allegory for modern times?,Bor Ing,hardback,0,$59.99
Oh No! The Chickens have Escaped!,Dickie Duck,ebook,11,$2.00

The LaTeX document (myDoc.tex) contains:

\usepackage{datatool}% v3.0 required


The document build:

datatooltk --output-format dbtex-3 --output booklist-converted.dbtex --sort-locale en --sort 'Author,Title' --literal --csv-sep ',' --csv booklist.csv
pdflatex myDoc

The --literal switch indicates that the CSV file contains literal (that is, non-TeX) content, so the $ symbol will be mapped to \$.

Note that \DTLread does support CSV and data can be sorted in the document, so DatatoolTk isn't required in the following:


\usepackage{datatool}% v3.0 required



However, extra support needs to be added for localised sorting with datatool.sty, Java can sort and parse formatted numbers more efficiently than TeX, and DatatoolTk can also import data from other sources that aren't supported by \DTLread, as well as shuffling and filtering the data.

In the first example, the DatatoolTk call is only needed when the source data (booklist.csv) changes. In the second example, the data is sorted on every LaTeX run.

Provided Applications

The following applications are available (as from version 2.0):

Go to the Releases page for the latest stable release or the unstable directory for the most recent development (unstable) version.

Basic DatatoolTk

The basic application (datatooltk.jar) can be run in batch mode or with a graphical user interface (GUI). That is, it can either be run from the command line with an input and output file, or it can open a window with menus and buttons. Preferred settings (which can be changed in GUI mode) are saved in a properties directory and picked up on the next run (~/.datatooltk on Unix-like systems or datatooltk-settings for Windows or the path identified by the environment variable DATATOOLTK).

The basic application supports importing data from TeX files (that contain datatool.sty database construction commands or probsoln.sty problem definitions), CSV/TSV files, ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet), FODS (Flat OpenDocument Spreadsheet), XLSX (XML Excel Spreadsheet), and SQL. For database connections (SQL), a driver is required. For example, to provide support for MySQL, the mysql-connector-java.jar library needs to be on the class path. (Support for MySQL is automatically included. For other database systems, you will need to add the applicable JDBC driver to the Java class path.)

datatooltk [options]

The datatooltk script simply runs the datatooltk.jar application. You can run it directly using the following command line invocation, where path/to/lib should be changed to the path to the directory that contains the jar file and associated libraries and resources:

java -jar path/to/lib/datatooltk.jar [options]

If run in batch mode (the default) the options must include an input file or input source and an output file. To run in GUI mode, the options list should include --gui.

datatooltk-gui [options]

The datatooltk-gui script simply runs the datatooltk.jar application with --gui and a splash image:

java -splash:path/to/lib/datatooltk-splash.png -jar path/to/lib/datatooltk.jar --gui [options]

DatatoolTk Restricted

The restricted application (datatooltk-restricted.jar) is a version of the DatatoolTk application that only runs in batch mode. If you attempt to run this application in GUI mode it will trigger an "Unsupported option" error. The restricted application doesn't support SQL connections, but otherwise supports the import file formats that the basic DatatoolTk application supports (TeX, CSV/TSV, ODS, FODS and XLSX).

Again, this comes with a helper script to run the Java application:

datatooltk-restricted [options]


java -jar path/to/lib/datatooltk-restricted.jar [options]

DatatoolTk Extra

The DatatoolTk Extra application (datatooltk-extra.jar) has all the features of the basic DatatoolTk application but additionally supports Microsoft's old binary Excel (.xls) file format. This requires the third party Apache POI library.

Again, this comes with helper scripts to run the Java application:

datatooltk-extra [options]


java -jar path/to/lib/datatooltk-extra.jar [options]

Or for GUI mode with a splash screen:

datatooltk-extra-gui [options]


java -splash:path/to/lib/datatooltk-splash.png -jar path/to/lib/datatooltk-extra.jar --gui [options]


Requires at least Java 8 and the following libraries:

  • TeX Parser Library (GPL-3.0) to parse LaTeX files: the file texparserlib.jar should be placed in the lib directory. This library is required by all DatatoolTk applications.

  • TeX Java Help (GPL-3.0) to convert the LaTeX manual with texjavahelpmk to the HTML and XML files required by texjavahelplib.jar which manages the application help system and localised messages: the file texjavahelplib.jar should be placed in the lib directory. This library is required by all DatatoolTk applications. (The restricted application only uses the library for localised messages. The other applications additionally use it for the in-application help in GUI mode.)

    (The texjavahelpmk.jar and texjavahelp.sty files are only required when compiling the manual to PDF or HTML. The PDF file needs to be created first to ensure that the toc, aux and glstex files are available when texjavahelpmk.jar parses the document source. Only the texjavahelplib.jar file needs to be included in the distribution.)

  • MySQL Connector/J (GPL-2.0) to pull data from MySQL databases: the file mysql-connector-java.jar should be placed in the lib directory. This library is required for the basic DatatoolTk application and the DatatoolTK Extra application but not for the restricted application which doesn't support SQL imports.

  • Apache POI (Apache License, Version 2.0) to read Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (xls): the files poi-version.jar, poi-ooxml-version.jar and poi-ooxml-schema-version.jar should be placed in the lib directory. This library in turn requires Apache Commons IO, which requires Log4j, so those jar files are also required. This library and its dependencies are only required for the DatatoolTK Extra application.

If any plugins are needed for the applications that have a GUI mode, Perl is also required.

Source Code

The DatatoolTk source code is available at https://github.com/nlct/datatooltk

The TeX Java Help source code is available at https://github.com/nlct/texjavahelp This not only provides texjavahelplib.jar needed by DatatoolTk to manage the localisation messages and (if applicable) the GUI help window, but also provides the tools needed to create the manual (see below).

The TeX Parser Library source code is available at https://github.com/nlct/texparser This not only provides texparserlib.jar needed by DatatoolTk to parse TeX files, but is also required by the TeX Java Help tools used to create the manual. (Note that texparserlib.jar is also bundled with bib2gls, but it may be a different version. You can check the version with bib2gls -v)

The HTML files for the help window in GUI mode need to be created from the dictionary XML files and the LaTeX source.

  1. Change to the source code doc directory:

    cd doc
  2. Convert the application dictionary files (.xml and .prop) to datatooltk-props-en.bib (a bib2gls file):

    xml2bib --copy-overwrite-xml \
    ../lib/resources/dictionaries/texparserlib-en.xml \
    ../lib/resources/dictionaries/texjavahelplib-en.xml \
    ../lib/resources/dictionaries/datatooltk-en.xml \
    --prop ../lib/resources/dictionaries/plugins-en.prop \
    -o datatooltk-props-en.bib

    (xml2bib is provided by TeX Java Help.)

  3. (Optional) Create the file version.tex which should simply contain \date{Version version}. For example:

    echo "\\date{Version " > version.tex
    grep 'String APP_VERSION = ' ../java/base/DatatoolTk.java | sed "s/public\sstatic\sfinal\sString\sAPP_VERSION\s=//" | tr -d "\"\; " >> version.tex
    grep 'String APP_DATE = ' .../java/base/DatatoolTk.java | sed "s/public\sstatic\sfinal\sString\sAPP_DATE\s=//" | tr -d "\"\; " >> version.tex
    echo "}" >> version.tex

    This file is input with \InputIfFileExists so it can be omitted.

  4. Build the document (this requires texjavahelp.sty provided by TeX Java Help). Either use Arara:

    arara datatooltk-en


    lualatex datatooltk-en
    bib2gls --group --no-warn-unknown-entry-types datatooltk-en
    lualatex datatooltk-en
    lualatex datatooltk-en
  5. Create the XML and HTML files needed for the GUI help window:

    texjavahelpmk datatooltk-en.tex ../lib/resources/helpsets/datatooltk-en

    (texjavahelpmk is provided by TeX Java Help.)

Note that it's necessary to successfully perform step 4 before trying step 5 as texjavahelpmk needs the toc, aux and glstex files created by LaTeX and bib2gls.

The source code for datatooltklib.jar is in the java/lib directory (including the files in java/lib/io).

The source code for datatooltkguilib.jar is in the java/gui directory (which includes widget icons in java/gui/icons). Note that texjavahelplib.jar includes additional widget icons (for the help window and also a few common icons).

The source code for datatooltk-restricted.jar is in the java/restricted directory. This will need datatooltklib.jar, texjavahelplib.jar and texparserlib.jar on the class path. This application needs the lib/resources/dictionaries/ xml files but not the helpsets, icons, plugins and templates directories.

The source code for datatooltk.jar is in the java/basic directory. This will need the same libraries as datatooltk-restricted.jar but will also require datatooltkguilib.jar on the class path. This application requires all the lib/resources subdirectories.

The source code for datatooltk-extra.jar is in the java/extra directory. This will need the same libraries and resources files as datatooltk.jar but will also require the Apache POI, Apache Commons and Log4j API libraries on the class path.

Nicola Talbot dickimaw-books.com

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.