
simple multi-project example

Primary LanguageScala

SBT testing project


  • sbt test on all projects
  • sbt PROJ/run on projects
  • dependencies: banana and apple depend on fruitLib (ok for: assembly, run, eclipse)


  • ✔ multi-project sbt
  • ✔ multi-project works with eclipse (internal project dependencies added in path)
  • ✔ unit testing
  • ✔ unit test eclipse integration (use http://www.scalatest.org/user_guide/using_scalatest_with_eclipse )
  • ✔ capable of publishing to a local maven repo
  • override location of local maven repo
  • capable of publishing to an s3 repository
  • ✔ ivy dependencies
  • ✔ maven dependencies
  • ✔ assembly

Nice to have

  • generating a POM for maven systems
  • shareable sbt config for some elements?

Tips & tricks


  • ROOT/project/Build.scala: multi-project definition. This file is loaded with the root project, before build.sbt is loaded. Internal dependencies (i.e. between subprojects of this multi-project setup) should be defined there, and not in one of the build.sbt
  • build.sbt: each project has one. Put stuff unrelated to multi-project-ness
  • assembly.sbt: assembly settings

Executing commands

By default, will run on root and recursively run on child projects

  • run on root project: sbt run
  • run on specific project: sbt apple/run

Maven install

  • use sbt publish (configured in build.sbt)
  • can specify a custom location for the maven repo: -Dmaven.repo. Example:

sbt -Dmaven.repo=/home/bob/tmp/mavenRepo publish