
Repo created while learning Spring Batch

Primary LanguageJava

#Spring Batch Example A collection of code from me learning Spring Batch (with annotations). I deliberately chose not to use Spring Boot, as I prefer to do my own configuration and setup when learning.

##Build and run:

gradle build
gradle execute

##Run from jar: Builds a jar containing all dependencies

gradle fatJar
java -jar build/libs/spring-batch-example-all-1.0.0.jar com.example.batch.TransportImportBatch loadTransportJob fileName=sample-data.csv

##Unit test Includes jacoco test coverage report

gradle unitTest

Test reports will appear in the following dirs:


##Scope Detail ###Implemented

  • Annotation configuration
  • Spring Hibernate Validation framework
  • Custom field mappers for beans with Enums
  • Run from Jar
  • Unit tests
  • End-to-end testing with HSQL DB and Spring Profiles
  • Using job parameters in reader