
Qwat extension for exporting to AquaFri's data model

Primary LanguageShell


qwat-data-model extension for exporting to Fribourg's AquaFri data model

For importing, refer to qwat-import-sample

What does it do

The extension creates the schema "qwat_ch_fr_aquafri" with views corresponding to AquaFri's data model. You can connect to these views with Arcgis desktop (>= 10.6) and load data into official .gdb


It replaces qwat_vl tables in views with a lookup table containing the original id and the AquaFri's code.

Sample for status table

id code
101 ES
1302 HS
1307 PL

All relations are registered in openOffice sheets under the folder "relations", to be customized for your need. You can apply your adjustments in the "csv" tab, save it under .csv format (utf-8) and reinstall the extension to apply.


Check your postgresql service definition

nano /root/.pg_service.conf


launch install

chmod 775 -R ./*

./init_aquafri.sh -p qwat


short long action
-p --pgservice PG service to connect to the database.
-s --srid PostGIS SRID. !! AquaFri MUST use MN95 (EPSG:2056) since 2017-01-01 !! custom srid is autorized for testing purpose
-c --check Checks relations between original qwat_vl and custom aquaFri values
-d --disable Disable extension without deleting anything (safe)
-e --enable Enable disabled extension
-r --drop-schema Drop schema (cascaded). Carefull, it clears all custom tables and values inserted in qwat_vl.