Directions to run the minesweeper solver: To run the code simply call mineSolver in the command window while in the minesolver directory. You will be prompted by a menu and you can modify how many rows, columns and mines you would like in the minefield. Once you have your desired parameters, press ok. Enjoy! Thanks, James and Nathan P.S: For maximum quality, dimensions should not exceed 16 rows and 30 columns. You can however, have as large a minefield as you need but it is recommended to modify the cell size multiplier in the parameter of initializeFigureWindow on line 20 of mineSolver.m to a decimal number less than one. Ex: initializeFigureWindow(0.5) sets the cell size on the display to half the original size
Solves minesweeper fields using linear algebra. Includes a graphical visualisation of the solving process.