
Sokoban game extended console version

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

Sokoban game

The goal is to build flexible testable model of the game, and make IO layer as thin as possible.

Also the game should implement advanced move-ability control with reachability test, and such algorithms are usually hard to implement in Haskell. This project has it implemented using mutable data structures, see Solver.hs module. (Currently the data structures are copied from impure-containers).

Box reachability demo

Installation and run

You need to have Stack installed.

stack build
stack exec sokoban

Requests for the improvement.

  1. ☑ Track steps and pushes.
  2. ☑ Implement mouse events and reaction on MoveBox Point Point, MoveWorker Point (this is pretty hard, since it requires path finding algorithm implemented for with pushes or steps optimization).
  3. ☑ Parse command line options with optparse-applicative.
  4. ☑ Implement animations.
  5. ⍻ Replays and stored solutions.

The notes abount animation

The notes are put here.

Where to get sokoban levels

Info on sokoban solvers

Haskell on SO

Useful information

⬛ ■ ◼ ◾ ▪ □ ⬚ ▫ ◻ ❎ ⬛ ⬜ ▢ ▣ ◽ ❑ ❒ ❏ ❐ ▩ ▦ ▧ ▨ ⊞ ⊡ ☒
⊕ ⊗ ✪ ⊙ ⦾ ⦿ ⊚ ⊛ ○ ◌ ● ◯ ⬤ ⌾ ⍟ ⨯ ⁘

U  ▲ △ ⬆ ⇧ ◩ ◓ ◒
D  ▼ ▽ ⬇ ⇩ ◪ ◒ ◓
L  ◀ ◁ ⬅ ⇦ ⬕ ◐ ◑
R  ▶ ▷ ➡ ⇨ ⬔ ◑ ◐
moveBoxesByWorker :: MonadState GameState m => [Point] -> [Point] -> m ()
moveBoxesByWorker src dst = do
  dirs <-
    case (src, dst) of
      ([s], [t]) -> do
        erasedGs <- gets $ eraseBoxes [s]
        -- erase source box not to break path finding and avoid spoiling of the current gs
        let (dirs, _dbgGs) = runState (tryMove1Box s t) erasedGs
        -- viewState . message .= (dbgGs ^. viewState . message)
        -- viewState . doClearScreen .= True
        return dirs
      ([s1, s2], [t1, t2]) -> do
        erasedGs <- gets $ eraseBoxes [s1, s2]
        let (dirs, _dbgGs) = runState (tryMove2Boxes [s1, s2] [t1, t2]) erasedGs
        -- viewState . message .= (dbgGs ^. viewState . message)
        -- viewState . doClearScreen .= True
        return dirs
      _ -> return []
  diffs' <- sequenceA <$> mapM doMove dirs
  case diffs' of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just [] -> return ()
    Just diffs -> do
      ls <- use levelState
      let uidx = ls ^. undoIndex
      levelState . undoStack .= UndoItem diffs : drop uidx (ls ^. undoStack)
      levelState . undoIndex .= 0
      viewState . animateRequired .= True
      viewState . animationMode .= AnimationDo
    tryMove1Box :: MonadState GameState m => Point -> Point -> m [Direction]
    tryMove1Box s t = do
      srcs <- findBoxDirections s
      gs <- get
      let m = gs ^. levelState . height
      let n = gs ^. levelState . width
      paths <-
        forM srcs $ \src ->
          return $ runST $ do
            let dst = PD t D []
            hm <- HM.new
            let ctx = SolverContext hm m n
            pushSolver <- buildPushSolver ctx dst
            path <- flip evalStateT gs $ aStarFind pushSolver src
            return $ pushPathToDirections path
      let nePaths = filter (not . null) paths
      let selected =
            if null nePaths
              then []
              else minimumBy (comparing length) nePaths
      return selected
    tryMove2Boxes :: MonadState GameState m => [Point] -> [Point] -> m [Direction]
    tryMove2Boxes _ss _ts = return []