AutoScore-Survival: Developing interpretable machine learning-based time-to-event scores with right-censored survival data

AutoScore-Survival is an method extension to AutoScore, and a novel machine learning framework to automate the development of interpretable time-to-event scores. AutoScore-Survival consists of six modules: 1) variable ranking with machine learning, 2) variable transformation, 3) score derivation, 4) model selection, 5) domain knowledge-based score fine-tuning, and 6) performance evaluation. AutoScore-Survival could seamlessly generate risk scores based on survival data, which can be easily implemented and validated in clinical practice. Moreover, it enables users to build transparent and interpretable time-to-event scores quickly in a straightforward manner.

AutoScore-Survival has been merged with the AutoScore package. Please visit AutoScore bookdown page for a full tutorial.


Xie F, Ning Y, Yuan H, Goldstein BA, Ong MEH, Liu N, Chakraborty B. AutoScore-Survival: Developing interpretable machine learning-based time-to-event scores with right-censored survival data Journal of biomedical informatics, 125 (2022) (

Xie F, Chakraborty B, Ong MEH, Goldstein BA, Liu N. AutoScore: A Machine Learning-Based Automatic Clinical Score Generator and Its Application to Mortality Prediction Using Electronic Health Records. JMIR Medical Informatics 2020;8(10):e21798 (


Package installation

Install from GitHub or CRAN:

# From Github
install_github(repo = "nliulab/AutoScore", build_vignettes = TRUE)

# From CRAN (recommended)

Load AutoScore package:
