
Future tool for profiling Twitter users, for now just part of results from http://aclweb.org/anthology/W/W16/W16-3904.pdf

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TweetUsr - a possible future tool for Twitter user profiling

The script features.py contains the extract_features(statuses) function which returns a list of features for a list of tweepy Status objects.

The main program of the script is used to extract features from a local dataset of Slovene tweets. The lack of this dataset in the repo can be circumvented in three ways:

  • one can use the feature extracts that are included in the repository (````X.pickle,Y1.pickle``` and ```Y2.pickle```, Y1 is a 5-class target, Y2 the used 2-class target)
  • the file user_annotations contains Twitter user names and their annotations by both schemata (5-class, 2-class), one can use tweepy to download the timeline of those users
  • one can go over to the prediction directly as the serialization of the classification model is included in the repo (see below)

The script learn.py uses the *.pickle datasets serialized by features.py, performs grid search, gives a classification report of the optimized classifier (below) and trains and serializes an SVM classifier with optimized hyperparameters which is learned on all Slovene data.

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

  corporate       0.80      0.80      0.80      1460
    private       0.93      0.93      0.93      4382

avg / total       0.90      0.90      0.90      5842

The script predict.py is an example script of the classification process which uses the classifier serialized through learn.py. The script takes a folder with pickled tweepy Status objects of a user and prints out the prediction together with class probabilities. Rather fake examples (as they were in part used for learning already) can be run on samples of status objects of two users:

$ python predict.py status_samples/dfiser3/
private [ 0.02420828  0.97579172]
$ python predict.py status_samples/24UR/
corporate [ 0.67101796  0.32898204]