
Global responsive header for Pearson Higher Ed web applications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

app-header Build Status


If you are consuming version 1.0.0+ of app-header, you must consume the Elements SDK, as it is a required dependency. It is looking for the /fonts assets in the root of your served application.

Assumption: You have Node v4+ and npm 2+ installed.

> npm i --save @pearson-components/app-header

Bundle (Recommended)

The javascript bundle is available in /node_modules/@pearson-components/app-header/build/dist.app-header.js.

Add the following script include to your web page:

	<script src="path/to/dist.app-header.js"></script>

Please see the demo code for examples of how to dispatch the event to initialize the app-header.

Note this example is using CustomEvent, which must be poly-filled for IE.

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('o.DOMContentLoaded', {
    detail: {
      element: element,
      config: config

The config property options are outlined further down in this README.


This method requires a web bundler, such as webpack or browserify.

After installing the app-header from npm, define the target element and configuration options.

var AppHeader = require('@pearson-components/app-header');
var appHeader = new AppHeader(element, options);


Configuration properties may be passed as an object argument (preferred) to the constructor or defined in a configuration block on the page:

<script data-o-app-header-config type="application/json">
  	"consoleBaseUrl": "https://...",
  	"session": "Session"

Refer to the options object for a list of properties.


Refer to the Integration document, which details use with piSession.js and context-based mode switching.



new AppHeader([element], [options])

Creates a new instance of AppHeader.

  • element: an HTMLElement or selector string. The selected element will be replaced with the header element unless it is document.body, in which case the header will be preprended to the body content.
  • options: an object with the following properties:
Property Type Description
consoleBaseUrl string The Console application base URL (default: https://console.pearson.com)
mode string The mode. Refer to the Modes section for a list of supported modes and options.
var AppHeader = require('@pearson-components/app-header');
var appHeader = new AppHeader({ mode: 'Signed Out', showLoginControls: false });


setMode(mode, [options])

Sets the mode. Refer to the Modes section for a list of supported modes and options.

  • mode: a string that indicates the header mode.
  • options: an object containing the mode options.


The application header supports multiple modes that can be configured depending on the type and state of the application.

Mode: Signed Out

Use this mode when the user is anonymous.

new AppHeader({ mode: 'Signed Out', showLoginControls: false });


Property Type Description
showLoginControls Boolean If true, show the 'Sign In' nav item. Default: true.
onLogin Function or string A callback function that will be called when the user clicks the Sign In nav item. If this value is a string, the component will look in the global scope for a function with a matching name.

Mode: Basic

Use this mode when the user is authenticated.

new AppHeader({
	mode: 'Basic',
	user: {
		givenName: 'John'
	courseItems: [
		{ text: 'Physics', href: 'https://example.com/physics' },
		{ text: 'Chemistry', href: 'https://example.com/physics' }


Property Type Description
user Object The user data.
user.givenName string The user's given name.
courseItems Array<Object> A collection of course menu items.
courseItems.text string The menu item text.
courseItems.href string The menu item url.
courseItems.onClick Function If provided, the function will be called when the user clicks the menu item.
onLogout Function or string A callback function that will be called when the user clicks the Sign Out menu item. If this value is a string, the component will look in the global scope for a function with a matching name.

Mode: Course

Use this mode when the user is authenticated and is in an application that adheres to the course format.

new AppHeader({
	mode: 'Course',
	user: {
		givenName: 'John'
	courseNav: {
		heading: { text: 'Physics', href: 'https://example.com/physics' },
		items: [
			{ text: 'Performance', href: 'https://example.com/performance' },
			{ text: 'Assessments', href: 'https://example.com/assessments' }


Property Type Description
user Object The user data.
user.givenName string The user's given name.
courseNav Object An object containing options for course navigation menu items.
courseNav.heading Object An object representing the current course.
courseNav.heading.text string The heading menu item text.
courseNav.heading.href string The heading menu item url.
courseNav.items Array<Object> The course navigation menu items.
courseNav.items.text string The menu item text.
courseNav.items.href string The menu item url.
courseNav.items.active Boolean Represents the active area of the course. If true, the menu item will be disabled. Default: false.
onLogout Function or string A callback function that will be called when the user clicks the Sign Out menu item. If this value is a string, the component will look in the global scope for a function with a matching name.

Mode: Integration

Use this mode when the application is configured as an integration with a non-Pearson application or web property—for example, a third party LMS.

new AppHeader({ mode: 'Integration' });


Event Name Description
oAppHeader.help.toggle Fires when the Help nav item is clicked.
oAppHeader.login Fires when the Sign In nav item is clicked.
oAppHeader.logout Fires when the Sign Out menu item is clicked.
document.addEventListener('oAppHeader.help.toggle', function (e) {
	// Do something


By default, the header's z-index property is set to 1000. This value can be changed by setting the $o-app-header-z-index SASS variable.

Browser support

Browser versions that do not support WeakMap must use a polyfill, for example via the polyfill service:

<script src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v1/polyfill.min.js?features=default,WeakMap"></script>


Please review the guidelines for contributing before getting started.


Recommendation: If you are using different node versions on your machine, use nvm to manage them.


The following npm script will build the component, fire up a webpack dev server at localhost:8080/demo, and hot reload any saved changes to the source without having to refresh the browser.

npm install
npm run dev


The following npm script will execute the unit tests.

npm test

How do I debug?

Source maps are enabled for the webpack dev server. Using Chrome dev tools - open the "Sources" tab, navigate to top/webpack://./, and you will find the original source files for which you can set breakpoints in Chrome's debugger.


This software is published by Pearson Education under the MIT license.