
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project #0: The Game


Play Easy or Hard its up to you. See if you can get a WIN when the opponent is as good as you specially when the game becomes hard.

Link To Demo


What I've Learned

  • Command Line: Practice interacting with the computer and navigating the filesystem from the command line.
  • Source Control: Manage and interact with a git repository to store changes to code.
  • Programming Fundamentals: Work with array, objects, event handlers and callbacks, while learning how to strategically solve problems and resolve errors.
  • Web Fundamentals: Learn how communication happens over the internet, and how to structure, style, and animate documents within a browser. Also learn how to respond to actions your users take and the data they input into the browser.
  • Browser Applications: Dive into CSS and how to use libraries and frameworks to get lots of style for free.
  • Deployment: Host a static web site in a managed hosting environment.
  • Products and Teams: Document your code and your code repository so others understand what you've built.

Technical Requirements

The app can:

  • Render a game board in the browser
  • Switch turns between X and O (or whichever markers you select), Allow player to choose their token
  • Visually display which side won if a player gets three in a row or show a draw/"cat’s game" if neither wins
  • Include separate HTML / CSS / JavaScript files
  • Stick with KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles
  • Use Javascript and jQuery for DOM manipulation
  • Deploy your game online, where the rest of the world can access it
  • Use semantic markup for HTML and CSS (adhere to best practices)

Approach Taken

  • Step by Step: Work on logic and functionality of tic tac toe game itself first. Used objects when possible to hold variables and methods for game. Used array to hold game board.
  • Object Orientated: Practice with utilising objects to have more control over game functionality and record various data points
  • Refactored: Keep code DRY and clean, with easy to understand structure and commentary
  • Styling: Simplistically styled, with theme of page to attract interest.
  • User Interaction: Simple user prompt and buttons to direct play


  • Simple AI: Add AI capability to play against computer. Simple, random choice type AI
  • Complex AI:Create an AI opponent: teach Javascript to play an unbeatable game against you

Unsolved problems

  • Get inventive with the styling, e.g. use hover effects for the buttons and small pulse animations
  • Keeps track of multiple game rounds with a win counter, win type, game approach of each player etc.
  • Allows player to customize their token with color choices.
  • Customisation: Add AI capability to allow players to choose icons, as well as colours. Perhaps saving image icon choice in the object, rather than saving just a chosen class style in the object
  • Use LocalStorage to persist data locally to allow games to continue after page refresh or loss of internet connectivity
  • Dynamic Board: Current program has capability to increase board size due to scalable createBoard function, however win scenarios etc, will not work for games larger than 3