NLOSyslog is an Objective-C wrapper around the asl (Apple System Log) inteface.
It provides a simple means to search the system log.
The NLOSyslog class is fairly straightforward and well-documented. Blocking and non-blocking log retrieval methods are provided.
The following filter criteria is available:
Filter | Description |
Time | x number of seconds back in time |
Sender | a substring of a sender |
Message | a substring of a message |
Criteria is combined using logical AND
// Filter for messages logged in the past hour
// containing 'SpringBoard' in the sender text
// and 'wallpaper' in the message text
// Get the log asynchronously and provide a block
// as a callback for the results
[[[[[NLOSyslog syslog]
filterSecondsFromNow:60 * 60]
sendRawLogToBlock:^(NSArray* log) {
for (id entry in log) {
NSLog(@"%@", entry);