
Resources for Audrey and Brandon's Fusion 2013 Presentation

D2L Replace Strings

Replace Strings are variables you add to the HTMl editor in the Learning Environment. When a page is accessed, these variables are populated with specific information about the course or user accessing the page. Replace strings make it possible to both create customized content and save time when developing course materials. This page contains information about replace strings presented by Audrey Williams and Brandon Ballentine at D2L's Fusion 2013 conference.

You can access the presentation here. ##Available Strings

Here's a list of the most useful strings. Check D2L's documentation for a full list of available strings.

For the Current Org Unit

  • {OrgUnitId}
  • {OrgUnitName}
  • {OrgUnitCode}
  • {OrgUnitPath}

For the Current User

  • {UserId}
  • {UserName}
  • {OrgDefinedId}
  • {FirstName}
  • {LastName}
  • {Email}
  • {ExternalEmail}
  • {InternalEmail}

##Where can you use replace strings?

  • Dropbox feedback and instructions
  • News Items
  • Custom widgets
  • Email
  • Grades - comments
  • Intelligent Agents
  • Quizzes - header/footer
  • Quicklinks

DO NOT USE replace strings in Content files. The LE renders Replace Strings in content files when you save the file, so the content is not dynamic!


###Course Welcome

<p>Hi, {FirstName} and welcome to {OrgUnitName}. 
We're going to have a great time this semester. 
Please take a few minutes to look through Module 1 in the <strong>Course Content</strong> area, where you'll find the Syllabus and Course Schedule.</p>

###Quiz Footer

<p>By submitting this assessment, I {FirstName} {LastName} acknowledge that I have read and complied by the academic honesty policy contained in the Content section of this course.</p>

###Conditional Release

<p>Hi {FirstName}. It looks like you didn't do so well on the Unit 1 test. For the next exam, you may want to spend some additional time looking at the <strong>Study Guide</strong> and <strong>Practice Test</strong>. Please get in touch if you have any questions!</p> 

###Help Widget

<!-- Create a new custom widget and place the following code in the Content area -->

<h2>Need help? Having trouble?</h2>

  <li><a href="/Shared/documentation/help.html?role={rolename}" target="_blank">Online Help</a></li>
	<li><a href="#">Quick Reference Guides</a></li>
	<li>Call the HelpDesk (865.694.6537) or <a href="#">email them</a></li>


<p>Your username is <strong>{UserName}</strong></p>

<p>Your Banner Number (also called P Number) is: <strong>{OrgDefinedId}</strong></p>

<p>Your campus email address is: <strong>{ExternalEmail}</strong></p>

<p>This Course's ID is: {OrgUnitCode}</p>

###Google Form

  1. Start off by creating a new Google Form
  2. Add several form fields
  3. Access the Responses menu and select the Get pre-filled URL option
  4. Type in some sample information in the fields and click the Submit button
  5. Copy the URL and paste it into a D2L News item, Quicklink, etc.
  6. Delete the palceholder information and add Replacement Strings
  7. Test the link. Each user should have the form pre-filled with their own name and email address.

Here's an example of what your Quicklink should look like:


###Course Certificate

In the example above, we used URL parameters to pre-fill items into our form. Passing information between pages in this way is very common in web services. In the example below, we'll use a similar technique to create a course completion certificate.

We're going to be passing student information into a PDF form, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat Pro to complete the following steps.

  • In MS Word, Pages, or the desktop publishing app of your choice, create a certificate and Export/Save as a PDF.
  • Open the form in Acrobat Pro. Add fields for the student's name and course name - I'm calling my fields "Name" and "Course."
  • Add the following Javascript to the PDF document. For a description of the code, visit Adobe's Website
//only run the script if the PDF file is being viewed in a browser window
if (this.external)
//The whiteList defines which fields are permitted to be changed by the URL.

whiteList = ["Name", "Course"]

//get the parameters portion of the URL and unescape it so we get the spaces and punctuation back

parametersString = this.URL.substring(this.URL.indexOf("?")+1)

//only run the script if there are parameters
if (parametersString.length > 0)

//create an array of key/value pairs
parameters = parametersString.split("&")

//loop through the array...
for each (parameter in parameters)

//create a 2 element array for each parameter as [key, value]
kvPair = parameter.split("=")

//set the field named "key" to "value"
fieldName = unescape(kvPair[0])
if (whiteList.length > 0)
if (whiteList.indexOf(fieldName) > -1)
this.getField(fieldName).value = unescape(kvPair[1])
this.getField(fieldName).value = unescape(kvPair[1])

Once you save your link, students who click the link can access the PDF.

##Stay in touch

We'd love to hear your questions or comments. Find us online!

Audrey Williams (@ajwms) www.audreyjwilliams.com

Brandon Ballentine (@bballentine) www.brandonballentine.com