Venture Below is a game for the SNES.
If you want to compile Venture Below yourself from source, it can be built using the CC65 compiler and linker. For Windows, you can get the CC65 Windows snapshot and move the compiler and linker (ca65.exe
and ld65.exe
, respectively) to a tools directory - the tools directory should exist in the project directory (where this README is) and should be named tools
Once the compiler and linker are available in the tools directory, a ROM can be built using win-make.ps1
in PowerShell. The following commands arguments can be given to win-make.ps1
- Use
.\win-make.ps1 help
for instructions to usewin-make.ps1
. - Use
.\win-make.ps1 clean
to clean the output from a previous build. Every file in the binaries and object directories will be removed, so don't move any files in here that you wouldn't want to lose. - Use
.\win-make.ps1 build
to build the ROM file. If no option is provided towin-make.ps1
, this will be the default action. - Use
.\win-make.ps1 rebuild
to clean the output from a previous build and build the ROM again from scratch.
Note that win-make.ps1
decides which files need to be recompiled when building by checking to see if a source file has a later timestamp than its corresponding object file. If this is not the case, if for example a previous version of a source file was restored, win-make.ps1
will not recompile even if the source file has changes. In such cases, the project should be cleaned and rebuilt.
Venture Below is licensed under the GNU General Public License - either version 3 or, at your discretion, any later version. You can read LICENSE
or visit for the full license text.