
Intersect (wgbstools view -L Atlas.U25.l4.hg19.bed Left_Ventricle_STL001.IGF2.pat.gz)

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Hello everyone!

I am currently trying out stuff and want to use my ONT Bam files as input for the uxm deconvolution algorithm. I was trying to generate the sliced pat files which only have entries which are present in the Atlas.U25.l4.hg19.tsv. According to the Tutorial i used

wgbstools view -L Atlas.U25.l4.hg19.tsv Left_Ventricle_STL001.IGF2.pat.gz

I got

  • Please ensure that your file is TAB delimited (e.g., cat -t FILE).
  • Also ensure that your file has integer chromosome coordinates in the
    expected columns (e.g., cols 2 and 3 for BED).

So i tried to adjust the tsv file to have the 5 columns 'chr' 'start' 'end' 'startCpG' and 'endCpG' in the bedfile only and ensured that the file is tab-delimited.

wgbstools view -L Atlas.U25.l4.hg19.bed Left_Ventricle_STL001.IGF2.pat.gz
So i still got the same Error. And now i was trying too look for the basecode to understand why this Error is occurring but i did not find the Error Message in the or cview.cpp files. Maybe someone could help me out.

The Left_Ventricle file i got from wgbs_tools/tutorials and the Atlas i got from /UXM_deconv/supplemental. I was just trying how how to filter the pat file to only have the entries which are included in the Atlas for my later usage. In the Zip file i just uploaded my files if anyone wants to have a look at them.

I removed the headers from the .bed file and it created a Intersected document which is empty. Is it cause there are no overlaps between these both files i am using ?

I am thankful for any advice!
kind regards,

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