PRGC: Potential Relation and Global Correspondence Based Joint Relational Triple Extraction

Primary LanguagePython

PRGC: Potential Relation and Global Correspondence Based Joint Relational Triple Extraction

This repository contains the source code and dataset for the paper: PRGC: Potential Relation and Global Correspondence Based Joint Relational Triple Extraction. Hengyi Zheng, Rui Wen, Xi Chen et al. ACL 2021.




The main requirements are:

  • python==3.7.9
  • pytorch==1.6.0
  • transformers==3.2.0
  • tqdm


Or you can just download our preprocessed datasets.


1. Get pre-trained BERT model for PyTorch

Download BERT-Base-Cased which contains pytroch_model.bin, vocab.txt and config.json. Put these under ./pretrain_models.

2. Build Data

Put our preprocessed datasets under ./data.

3. Train

Just run the script in ./script by sh train.sh.

For example, to train the model for NYT* dataset, update the train.sh as:

python ../train.py \
--ex_index=1 \
--epoch_num=100 \
--device_id=0 \
--corpus_type=NYT-star \
--ensure_corres \

4. Evaluate

Just run the script in ./script by sh evaluate.sh.

For example, to train the model for NYT* dataset, update the evaluate.sh as:

python ../evaluate.py \
--ex_index=1 \
--device_id=0 \
--mode=test \
--corpus_type=NYT-star \
--ensure_corres \
--ensure_rel \
--corres_threshold=0.5 \