
Migrate arbitrary devices to balena

Primary LanguageRust


Brownfield device migration using takeover strategy.

Warning: The takeover command will attempt to install balena-os over your existing operating system. Make sure you do not accidentally call the command on the wrong host and test your setup before migrating a host.

The easiest way to test your setup is to run takeover with the --pretend option. This will test all stages of migration except for the actual flashing of the image, rebooting your system in the process.


Takeover consists of a single executable that supports automatic download of all assets required for migration. All that is needed to migrate a device to balena-os is a valid config.json typically obtained from the dashboard of your balena application.

> takeover --help
takeover 0.1.1
Thomas Runte <thomasr@balena.io>

    takeover [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -d, --download-only     Download image only, do not check device and migrate
    -h, --help              Prints help information
        --no-ack            Scripted mode - no interactive acknoledgement of takeover
        --no-api-check      Do not check if balena API is available
        --no-cleanup        Debug - do not cleanup after stage1 failure
        --no-efi-setup      Do not setup EFI boot
        --no-keep-name      Do not migrate host-name
        --no-nwmgr-check    Do not check network manager files exist
        --no-os-check       Do not check if OS is supported
        --no-vpn-check      Do not check if balena VPN is available
        --no-wifis          Do not create network manager configurations for configured wifis
        --pretend           Pretend mode, do not flash device
        --stage2            Internal - stage2 invocation
        --tar-internal      Use internal tar instead of external command

        --backup-cfg <BACKUP-CONFIG>     Backup configuration file
        --check-timeout <TIMEOUT>        API/VPN check timeout in seconds.
    -c, --config <CONFIG_JSON>           Path to balena config.json
    -f, --flash-to <INSTALL_DEVICE>      Use INSTALL_DEVICE to flash balena to
    -i, --image <IMAGE>                  Path to balena-os image
        --log-file <LOG_FILE>            Set stage1 log file name
        --log-level <log-level>          Set log level, one of [error,warn,info,debug,trace] [default: info]
    -l, --log-to <LOG_DEVICE>            Write stage2 log to LOG_DEVICE
        --nwmgr-cfg <NWMGR_FILE>...      Supply a network manager file to inject into balena-os
        --s2-log-level <s2-log-level>    Set stage2 log level, one of [error,warn,info,debug,trace]
    -v, --version <VERSION>              Version of balena-os image to download
        --wifi <SSID>...                 Create a network manager configuation for configured wifi with SSID
    -w, --work-dir <DIRECTORY>           Path to working directory%                                                                              

To download a config.json, please direct your browser to the balena dashboard, logging in to to your user account and selecting the application you want to migrate the device to. From there you can press the 'add device' button in the top left, in the 'Add new device' dialog select 'Advanced' and 'Download configuration file only'.

In the most simple case all you need to do now, is copy the takeover executable and the config.json to a folder on the device you would like to migrate and execute

sudo ./takeover -c config.json

on the command line.

The above command will download the latest production image for your platform and migrate the device to balena.

Several options are availble to cover special situations:

Image Selection

The takeover command allows you to specify a balena-os version for download or an image to use for migration.

Downloading an image

By default takeover will download the latest production image for the platform specified in your config.json. If you need a development image or a version different from the latest you can use the --version option to specify a version. The --version option accepts either a full image name (eg. --version 2.50.1+rev1.dev) or parsing of ~x.y.z and ^x.y.z requirements as defined at semver (eg. --version ~2.48). Example:

./sudo takeover -c config.json --version 2.50.1+rev1.dev

When downloading images, certain platforms (mainly intel-nuc, Generic-x86_64, beaglebone) require unpacking the image and extracting the actual OS-image. The takeover command does this automatically but the process of unpacking temporarilly requires up to 2.3GB of disk space. You can use the --work-dir option to specify a working directory that has sufficient disk space (eg. a memory stick) to unpack if your current directory does not. Otherwise you can use takeover on a computer with sufficient diskspace to download the image, copy it to the target device and use the -i / --image as described below.

The -d / --download-only option allows you to download an image without installing it. This option also disables most checks, so that you can download an image e.g. for your RaspberryPI 3 using your X86 PC. All you need to do is use a config.json for a raspberry PI and the -d option.

Example - Dowload only of a balena OS image:

sudo ./takeover -d --version 2.50.1+rev1.dev -c config.json 

Specifying an existing image

You can use the -i / --image option to specify any valid balena-os image.

Warning: Please be aware that specifying an invalid image might lead to your target device being flashed with something invalid which will very likely lead to it not booting.

Be carefull with images you have downloaded from the balena dashboard. These images are zip encoded and need to be unpacked and recompressed using gzip as follows:

unzip <image-name>
gzip <unpacked image name>

For certain device types (mainly intel-nuc., Generic x86_64, beaglebone) the image downloaded will be a flasher image that contains the actual balena-os image. For these platforms it is easier to let takeover do the download and extraction.

Network Setup

The takeover command will try to migrate your existing wifi configuration unless you have disabled it using the --no-wifis option. takeover will scan for connmanager, wpa_supplicant and NetworkManager configurations.

Using the --wifi option you can instruct takeover to migrate only specified wifis.

You can also specify your own NetworkManager configuration file using the --nwmgr-cfg option.

If no network configurations are found takeover will print an error message and abort to keep you from accidentally migrating a configuration that will not be able to come online. This check can be overridden by specifyng the --np-nwmgr-check option.

By default takeover will migrate the devices hostname. This can be disabled using the --no-keep-name option.


By default takeover runs at info log level. It will log to the console. You can modify the stage1 log-level by using the --log-level option. Available log levels are error, warn, info, debug, and trace. Stage1 is the first part of migration - mainly the preparation of the migration process. Everything happening in stage1 can be logged to the console.

At the end of stage1 takeover switches the file system root to a RAMFS file system and replaces the init process. This part of migration is called stage2. In stage2 the console does not receive output from takeover any more and ssh-sessions will usually be disconnected. Logging to the harddisk does not make sense, as that device will be overwritten with balena-os during the migration process. For this reason you can specify a log device using the -l / --log-to option. You should use a device that is independant from the disk that balena will be installed on. Usually a secondary disk or a USB stick works well. The log device should be formatted with a vfat, ext3 or ext4 file system. It also makes sense to adapt the stage2 log level to see a maximum of information. This can be done using the -s / --s2-log-level option. Log levels are as given above.

Example, writing a stage2 log to /dev/sda1 with stage2 log level debug:

sudo ./takeover -c config.json -l /dev/sda1 --s2-log-level debug -i balena-cloud-intel-nuc-2.50.1+rev1.dev.img.gz 

Configuring a Backup

takeover can be configured to create a backup that will automatically be converted to volumes once balena-os is running on the device. The backup is configured using a file in YAML syntax which is made available to takeover using the --backup-cfg comand line option.

Warning: Plaese be aware that the backup file will be stored in RAMFS together with the balena-os image and some other files at some point of stage2 takeover processing. For this reason the backup size should be restricted to a size that fits into the devices ram leaving ample space. takeover will fail in stage2 if unsufficient ram is found to transfer all files.

The backup is grouped into volumes. Each volume can be configured to contain a complex directory structure. Volumes correspond to application container volumes of the application that is loaded on the device once balena OS is running. The balena-supervisor will scan the created backup for volumes declared in the application containers and automatically restore the backed up data to the appropriate container volumes. The supervisor will delete the backup once this process is terminated. Backup directories with no corresponding volumes are not retained.

Backup volume definitions can contain one or more items. An Item consists of a mandatory source source path definition and the following optionial fields:

  • target - an alternative target directory name - if not present the files will be copied to the root of the volume.
  • filter - a regular expression that will be applied to the source path. Only files matching the filter will be copied. If no filter is given, all files will be copied.

Backup configuration example:

## create a volume test volume 1
- volume: "test volume 1"
 ## backup all from source and store in target inside the volume  
 - source: /home/thomas/develop/balena.io/support
   target: "target dir 1.1"
 - source: "/home/thomas/develop/balena.io/customer/"
   target: "target dir 1.2"
## create another volume 
- volume: "test volume 2"
 ## store all files from source that match the filter in target
 - source: "/home/thomas/develop/balena.io/migrate"
   target: "target dir 2.2"
   filter: 'balena-.*'
## store all files from source that match the filter
## in the root of the volume directory
- volume: "test_volume_3"
  - source: "/home/thomas/develop/balena.io/migrate/migratecfg/init-scripts"
    filter: 'balena-.*'

Compiling takeover

takeover needs to be compiled for the target platform. For Raspberry PI & beaglebone devices that is armv7 and for intel-nuc and Generic X86-64 that is the X86-64 platform.

Cross compiling takeover is easiest done using the rust-embedded cross cross compilation tools.
After installing cross and the appropriate targets for the target platform takeover can be cross-compiled using

cross build --target <target-tripple> --release 

For arm v7 devices this could be

cross build --release --target "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf"


cross build --release --target "armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf"