
NodeJS RESTful API built during my internship at Quantox Technology, Belgrade.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

UTEAM - api - Nikola Lukic

  • Express API project using Typescript, Sequalize ORM, and MySQL.

API routes:

GET Routes

Endpoint Type Description
/countAllUsers GET Returns the number of rows in the users table. Authentication bearer token is required for this route.
/profiles GET Returns a list of profiles (limit set to 20).
/profiles/{id} GET Returns a profile by {id} url parameter.
/companies GET Returns a list of companies (limit set to 20)parameter.
/companies/{id} GET Returns a company by {id} url parameter.

POST Routes

Endpoint Type Expected request body Description
/register POST { username: string, email: string, password: string, profileName?: string profilePhoto?: string, companyLogo?: string, companyName?: string, } Used to insert a new row into the tables users, companies and profiles.
/profiles POST { name: string, profilePhoto: string, user: number, company: number } Used to insert a new row into the profiles table.
/login POST { name: string, password: string} Used to authenticate a user. The name field for the request body can either be an email or a username of an existing user.
/companies POST { logo: string, name: string} Used to insert a new row into the companies table. The field slug is generated from the name field. The field companyOwner is from the id of the user who created the company.

PUT Routes

  • Please note: that only a user who's id is present in the foreignKey of a row targeted by these PUT methods can make altering changes to them.
Endpoint Type Expected request body Description
/profiles/{id} PUT { name?: string, profilePhoto?: string, company?: number } Used to updated any or all columns of a specific row (with an id of {id}) in the profiles table. Field user cannot be updated.
/companies/{id} PUT { logo?: string, name?: string} Used to updated any or all columns of a specific row (with an id of {id}) in the companies table. The field slug is created automatically from the name field.


Endpoint Type Expected request body Description
/profiles/{id} DELETE / Used to delete a row in the profiles table based on the supplied {id} url parameter.
/companies/{id} DELETE / Used to delete a row in the companies table based on the supplied {id} url parameter.


  • MySQL server 5.7.33 (higher versions should also be compatible)
  • NodeJS v.16.13.0


Please install the following plugins on your vsCode:

  • Prettier - Code formatter
  • ESlint

Next, install a MySQL 5.7 server and create a database with a name of your choice.

Next, clone this repository and run the following command:

cp .env.example .env

... which will create a .env file. Open it and insert the required environemnt variables (port and database connection parameters).

Make sure to also add a value to the "ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET" .env parameter with a random string of bytes (leaving it empty will cause errors upon user registration). You can get this string by running the following commands in a terminal:


Next, run the following command in your command line:

npm install

Last step: run these two scripts (preferably in different cmd windows) to compile the typescript code and to run the nodemon server (both will be in watch mode).

npm run dev:tsc
npm run dev:server


Perform all the steps not including the Last step, but instead run the following command:

npm run start

You also might need to leave the PORT variable in .env empty when deploying this app (such as hosting your server on Heroku, for example).



  • id
  • username
  • email
  • password
  • role ---> 'company-user'|'company-admin'|'superadmin' (default: superadmin).


  • id
  • status ---> 'pending'|'published' (default: pending).
  • name
  • profilePhoto
  • user ---> foreignKey
  • company ---> foreignKey


  • id
  • logo
  • name
  • slug
  • companyOwner ---> foreignKey


  • User to Profile = One to One
  • Profile to Company = One to Many (one Company has many Profiles, one Profile belongs to one Company)
  • User to Company = One to Many (one User has many Companies, one Company belongs to one User)


  • one company could have many users through the Profile table - still not implemented.