Docker Template Service

This service contains a library of opinionated Docker images which can be spun up or down as services.

The current services include:

  • Postgres (15.2)
  • pgvector (0.4)


List available services

To obtain a list of available images, run:

service list

Start a service

Start a service by running the command:

service start [service_name] [project_name]

For example: service start postgres demo will start a postgres docker container.

To run the generator in interactive mode, you may omit the service and project name arguments.

Stop a service

To stop a running service, use the following command:

Creating services

Services can be created by adding a new Dockerfile and .env file to the services directory.

For example:

To create a new service called spud:

  1. Create a subdirectory in services called spud
  2. Add a Dockerfile which defines the Docker image
  3. Add a .env file with the relevant environment variables for the service (see Environment below)

The directory structure should look like the following:

  |__ spud/
      |__ Dockerfile
      |__ .env


The following environment variables may be set in the .env file of a service.

Variable Value Purpose
SVC_PORT int Defines the port inside the container which should be bound to the external system. Ex: Postgres listens on port 5432. Therefore, SVC_PORT=5432. Note: the external system port will likely be different